three dancing matthews

Stop making me mentally relive college dorm debates about Nader. The Nader voter in my dorm lived in Florida- FLORIDA!

And the majority of them vote for a candidate who calls out the whole student government as a college app-padding scam, and is promptly disqualified.

Please tell me that Think Geek sells a t shirt with this slogan.

For me, the dividing line is normal insecurity (does my breath reek? does everyone at this party think my clothes look stupid?) and severe, almost pathological insecurity (everyone in this room loathes me and not-so-secretly hopes that I die). The first can be funny, but the second isn't. The self-loathing is so

With you 100%. I really like Stephen Merchant and I really, really wanted to like this show, but I just don't enjoy watching this. I remember the same weirdness in Extras at times- people being cartoonishly evil and cruel in normal situations for no apparent reason, and everyone in the room being on their side.

Shady is just what Nolan's in to. On the Kinsey scale, he's a three. On the Sleeping With Crazy People Who Have Complicated Schemes That Intersect With Everyone Else's General Scheming scale, he's a 10.

The best part is that it helps me forget that Padma ever existed, and reminds me of the Nolan/crazy gay hustler storyline from S1. I miss you, Crazy Pills! I hope they bring you back from the dead with some soap-esque handwaving for the finale!

I'm in favor of an icy smile-off, but first we'd have to find someone in Madeline Stowe's league. It's not a fair fight for Regina. And hasn't that actress been through enough, with wardrobe forcing her to look like an extra from a Meat Loaf video every week?

It's rare to see a movie (and an A-list actress) commit so completely to an unredeemably hateful character. That scene at the end with Patton Oswalt's sister is so great.

All snark aside, I think Mike D'Angelo is a thoughtful critic who clearly knows a lot about film history. However, I think his grading/critical system is so idiosyncratic that I never feel like I get a good sense of the movie from his reviews. I use a lot of the coverage on this site (and a certain unnamed site) to

The dead have risen, and they're posting on the AV Club!

How am I not watching this right now? PUT THIS IN MY EYES.

Right- wasn't that one of the scarier parts of the Paula Deen story? The idea that it was somehow normal in her sphere to have a "happy plantation" themed party? Much creepier IMO than her saying the n word.

No, Niall Ferguson told us it was all fine and actually pretty awesome if only those whiny colonized folks would just settle down and think about how great they had it under the British, with all the English language schools and whatnot. And even if the Africans didn't get schools/hospitals so much as forced diamond

We call that The D'Angelo around these parts.

I agree that there's plenty of royal history that would be dull in a weekly show, but I think Mary Queen of Scots' life is almost uniquely suited to be a soapy CW drama. She's a great antihero- always making the worst possible decision and bemoaning that things don't work out for her. Part of what made Rome fun was

You left out the best part of the Darnley murder- that they locked him in a house and then blew up the house with gunpowder.

Dan Harmon hates everyone, but especially Chevy Chase, but especially especially himself.

I didn't work at places as fancy as the one they went to, and we didn't have specific wine policies. Mostly, you want to get people to spend as much as they can without pushing them so obviously that your tip suffers. It's a delicate balancing act. At a place that's serving $50+ steaks, $80 might one of their

They don't seem to have plans from show to show most of the time. This is one of the most weirdly uneven shows I watch- sometimes brilliant, sometimes just a bunch of random stuff.