I remember when Mop Era fought Go zrirra that was cool.
I remember when Mop Era fought Go zrirra that was cool.
Feels good man.
You'd be a moron not to want a new hellraisers if Pinhead was played by Christopher Walken though.
In one of his most famous books a bunch of young kids run a train on their only girl friend and then fight a fear sucking alien who likes to clown it up. I love king in a pulpy way, not a critical way. I also kind of hate old king for fucking up what young king started on the Dark Tower. I have a lot of unresolved…
It is hidden in the underboob of the horrifying lady duck titties that we were all subjected to as children.
Bill, Bill? Its Bob. Your Cousin, Bob Cosby! you know that new sound you were looking for? Well listen to this!!
You better fumigate before they spread to other things on the shelf, I hear they love to nest into electronics because they are warm and sheltered.
I think you're forgetting Blanche, Rose, Dorothy and Sophia.
Ahh the South Carolina mud bath, such a rich culture. Wait is that a thing? Well it is now.
Would you rather hear about the epic railings he gave your mother? I mean, really broke her in, like wild style stuff.
Only beloved by kids because he sold everyone jello puddin' pops.
Shes funny.
Its a shame you haven't gotten it yet, now no one can stop my fleet of armed dirigibles from taking over the world! AHA AHA AHAHAHAHA!
If they wanted to do fake stories about sky monsters they should have just rebooted Sightings.
Anyone older than 19 is now old, the second dark ages has begun and its all your fault.
Which is exactly why temple isn't as bad as Crystal Skull. Temple of doom at least entertains children, the target audience of Skull is basically just George Lucas.
Everyone knows that only a backwards R denotes children only, Forward facing R Toys R Us vendor sells toys for humans of all ages. Right next to the Dora the Explorer headsets and Lincoln Logs.
Why would a tuna need a bib they live in the water that makes no sense something is fishy about this story.
You too Marvel, you used to be all about animation and exadgerated artstyles, whats with all this exaggerated computer generated.. ani..ma.. hmmm. I see.
He isn't exactly the sharpest object in the drawer*, I mean his last name is synonymous with pot and he doesn't know how to re-brand himself for male listeners. He also talks an awful lot about his song like someone else recorded it and he got stuck with it. All that 2005 pussy he swam in should be repossessed until…