Green Mountain Bot

This episode gets big points from me for being an exploration of the Ship of Theseus.  Look it up.

Wight wabbit, wong hole.

Wight wabbit, wong hole.

That's how I took it.

That's how I took it.

Are mentally disabled people not allowed to engage in sexual activities?  If they are, where do you draw the line?

Are mentally disabled people not allowed to engage in sexual activities?  If they are, where do you draw the line?

I too would read reviews for this show.  I tuned in to the preview without much in the way of expectations, but I found it to be well done and to have enough promise to add to my DVR.  Compared with some of the crap that gets reviewed here (I'm looking at you, 2 Broke Girls), this certainly seems worthy.

I too would read reviews for this show.  I tuned in to the preview without much in the way of expectations, but I found it to be well done and to have enough promise to add to my DVR.  Compared with some of the crap that gets reviewed here (I'm looking at you, 2 Broke Girls), this certainly seems worthy.



Yup.  Just as Michael Scott is a buffoon in the normal context of the show, but is a top-rate salesman, so it is with Phil Dunphy.

I thought it was obvious - Phil wanted to get away from Claire (it's never a good sign when your wife shuts up as a response to something you've done), and was looking for any excuse, no matter how ridiculous.

Yup.  The line was, "There's a hot spinning cone of meat in that Greek restaurant next door. I don't know what it is, but I want to eat the whole thing."

I believe gnar is that which is gnarly.

She was clearly going to go into labor in the near future.  And if you have spent any time at all around pregnant women who are that close to their due date, you would realize that almost every woman is ready for the baby to fucking come out already a few weeks before hand.  Throw in the fact that Phil has already had

I am disappointed in you.  None of those involve Sofia Vergara's breasts.

I SOOOOO hope you are wrong.  Robin and Barney were terrible together.  The act of being in a relationship with each other sucked the life out of both of them.  I would lose a ton of respect for the writers if that's where they go with it.  I think they left it as it should be: They are two people who love each other

Not only that, but the fact that this bullying finally made Butters snap, and when he did, everyone was pissed that they had been defending a "violent psychopath".  Never mind the fact that they were supposedly defending him from the very thing that MADE him a violent psychopath.

As a guy who is the same age as Roday, and who has also found himself getting "puffy", I guess it doesn't bug me as much as people complaining about it.