Green Mountain Bot

Robin and Barney didn't work as a couple.  And not because Barney didn't want to get married.  They were too comfortable, and the relationship sucked all of the life out of the both of them.  This is not something that is just going to get better because Barney is "growing up".  Barney is Barney.  He needs someone who

Does nobody remember what happened to Barney and Robin the last time they were in a committed relationship with each other?  It was TERRIBLE for both of them!  Barney got fat and lost all ambition.  Robin got haggard and lost all joie de vivre.  They broke up because their relationship was sucking all life out of both

Roman armies were not uniform in skill.  The most deadly of their warriors were indeed among the most feared of their day, due primarily to their discipline and teamwork.  The units who had those qualities tended to be deployed outside of Italy, which was considered safe territory by the Romans.  Those left behind

While it is true that Gladiator battles were a part of the time and place, the same is true of slavery, which Spartacus seems to frown upon.  And given that gladiators were generally slaves who killed each other for the entertainment of the masses, it doesn't seem to be much of a stretch for Spartacus to frown upon

I'm with you.  I don't care if it means I'm gay - I love Coldplay.  Clocks, Trouble, Spies, Shiver, High Speed, Sparks, In My Place, Daylight … All fantastic songs.  I feel the inverse of Whats his face in the article - Yellow is unlistenable pablum that detracts from the brilliance of the rest of their catalog (or at

Arsenio -

It makes up for the hair, but not those tiny, tiny eyes.

I have to completely disagree with the statement that "Sarah couldn't control the fact that she was suffering from heat exhaustion".  Heat exhaustion is the direct result of not keeping properly hydrated.  She allowed it to happen by not taking care of herself, and in the process let down her team.  Ed said that

I noticed it, but decided the first, "I'm sorry" (before Michael left) was because he let Fi get away, and the second one (after Michael left) was because he was realizing the consequences of having her left.  The first was an apology, the second was a condolence.

He also played the stockboy Jimmy in one of the Mr. Whipple Charmin commercials.

Just to be that guy, neither Gettysburg nor Schrute Farms was the northernmost battle in the civil war.  That distinction lies with the Battle of Saint Albans, which was a raid by union soldiers on a town in Vermont near the Canadian border.

If they can find enough substance on a show like America's Next Top Model or Jersey Shore to warrant weekly coverage, the only excuse for not finding it on Psych is flat out laziness.

No, for one of two reasons.  Either:

Darker than Cartman murdering a rival's parents, cooking them into chili, and getting the rival to eat them?  Darker than exploring the brutal reality of the lives of Somali pirates?

tl;dr - Acronym for "I have the attention span of a goldfish, and need to advertise it."

Kimberly has never been in the top three?  What about when she won Nina's challenge?

Does anyone actually call if "frolf"?  Around here, it's either Disc Golf (the proper name) or, if you must abbreviate, Folf.  "Frolf" sounds like what happens when you eat too many live toads.

Centuries of misuse may explain current misuse, but it doesn't excuse it. 

David Mamet would like to have a word with you.

Two things: