Green Mountain Bot

I LOVE aural sex!

Gus Highlight of the night:

Probably related to her trying out for the Lakers earlier in the day.

What if the fun comes from putting on a show?

Or will start the furious masturbation to National Geographic process.

Clinton used that line in 1996 …

A Chekhov's Zabka, if you will.

So would "Jet".

"…Away from the swollen city breeze
Garbage bag trees
 >whispers of disease<
Acts of enormity
Lower me slowly, sadly, properly
Get Ry Cooder to poop my eulogy"

Because, you know, boobs.  Very anti-woman.

If it's clear and yella, you've got juice there, fella.  If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town.  Now there are a two exceptions …

If I'm not mistaken, the primary issue Libertarians have with foreigners dying due to US foreign policy is that it's expensive.

Don't half-ass two things.  Whole-ass one thing.

I gotta say I'm a big fan of Andre 3000's drawl.  It enriches his rapping quite nicely, and gives it a certain … effortlessness, I guess.

Heidi  wasn't attempting to sow the seeds of discord at all - she wasn't admonishing Patricia for holding Michelle and Layana back, she was admonishing Michelle and Layana for not taking care of their teammate.  Had they helped her out, they would have been in the running to win this week.  Instead, they bitched about

I think it came down to Benjamin had a good idea, but the execution was lacking, whereas Cindy had good execution, but the idea was lacking.  In Project Runway, the former trumps the latter.  It's important to be able to execute, but it doesn't matter how good you are if your ideas are warmed over and stale.

Joanna Coles couldn't hold Tim Gunn's jock.

The guy who first said it seemed rather embarrassed in the talking head.  Like he was just talking, saying stuff, and the rest of the team jumped on the stupidest thing he said, so now he has to live with it.

He just has been friend-zoned enough already, and wanted to nip it in the bud.  Nothing wrong with that.  If he had gone along with it even though he wanted more, you'd be criticizing him for not growing a pair.  I swear, nice guys just can't win.

As long as Sheldon has them doing stuff they feel comfortable with, I think his laid back personality is actually exactly what he needs for the task.  The key to managing forceful personalities is to focus their passions on something productive.  Trying to be more forceful is exactly the wrong way to go, as it leads