
"You made me do something I thought I’d never do. You made me like Anne Hathaway" was the stand out line for me. A decent show, nothing groundbreaking but it was funny

I think this column is going to be a great addition to AVclub!

I'd add Children's Hospital and Breaking Bad to this list

This look back has made me realize how many amazing episodes were in Bob's Burgers. Seriously, season 3 was easily one of the top comedies on TV

My favorite movie of the summer-I'd even say it's equal to Shaun of the Dead

Any guesses on the beats he'll use on Dedication 5?

I'm excited for more Glass family stories! I think that family's stories are Salinger's best works.

Also I think in the end Todd will be Walt's downfall. This half season that story line has been at the edges of episodes but I think it's going to slowly become the center. Especially because Todd still calls Walt about updates and uses Walt's name when talking about illegal activities in public. I think Walt will

Jesse is back and he is better than ever! I can't wait to see his showdown with Walt next week! I almost wish I waited to start watching this season till after it was over so I could marathon it because haven't to wait a week between episodes is the worst

I know it's a stupid marketing campaign but now I really want to know what this "secret" is

This movie is an A+

I have a feeling in a weird twist Maslany will play Tom's doppelganger and the joke will be that Tom is dating someone who acts just like him. Which is fitting with how much Tom loves himself

Is there a reason why it's 1983 week? I can't tell if the year was chosen randomly or if their is more to it

I like Hardwick, he seems like he genuinely loves all the things he geeks out about. It's nice to see that kind of nerd passion

I really like how Comedy Bang Bang keeps throwing little jokes/sketches into the commercial breaks (like Comedy Talk Talk and Gillian/Reggie's little jam session). I think more comedies should do that. Its the only reason I don't fast forward or leave during the commercial breaks.

I know I'm super late to this but Acid Rap is great. One of the top five rap albums of the year

I think Jonathan Groff is great (He was solid on Glee and exceptional the few times I've seen him on stage) but I just don't feel like he is right for this. I think this is a hard story to adapt to the screen, plus all the extra baggage of being the first and only Sedaris story to have a movie, and without the perfect

I've watched a few random episodes so maybe I didn't watch enough to judge but I think John Oliver was as good a host as Jon Stewart. Just as funny while also being able to handle the more serious interviews/stories.

I'd separate Seth McFarland from American Dad. American Dad is often hilarious and fun but I just HATE McFarland so much. I'd enjoy the show so much more if I did think he was getting credit for it

Have the AVclub writers ever considered doing full season reviews after the season is over for shows like The Bridge, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Game of Thrones, etc? Like how they review Netflix shows with the full review followed by episode reviews only doing that in reverse order. I think those shows are better judged