
Have the AVclub writers ever considered doing full season reviews after the season is over for shows like The Bridge, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Game of Thrones, etc? Like how they review Netflix shows with the full review followed by episode reviews only doing that in reverse order. I think heard shows are better judged

It's ridiculous that those extremely attractive women would not only be paying for sex but paying for it from (old) Barton Fink.

I get that this article is trying to play devil's advocate about Breaking Bad but it is just wrong. Wrong Wrong Wrong. Breaking Bad is one of the best shows on TV

This film was hugely underrated. It's consistently funny and McCarthy is hilarious.

Reggie was the best part of this episode-from his insane coke dealer scene to his insane shootout, it was just perfectly absurd

Todd’s embarrassing story corner this week was the best haha

I'd really like to see Pynchon's "Mason & Dixon," Roth's "Plot Against America," Clarke's "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" (sort of harry potter plus Downton Abbey) or Salanger's "Glass Family" stories (though I'm sure getting the rights would be impossible) as a TV series