
Honestly though, they weren't paying attention… there were no guards. Just Lord Karstark (who is just as murderous as Ramsay) and the unwitting Maester. Even the actor who played Roose, when interviewed, mentioned that they played the scene as if Ramsay made the decision on the spot without any premeditation.


Unfortunately this show just keeps going to the exact same plot devices since Darryl stabbed himself in the leg in season 2, or Lori flipped her car over because she was the world's worst driver… The main characters can never actually just be competent, facing a legitimate threat. Instead they have to make

Look, I participate in the kind of hipster snark the AV Club kids
consider cool all the time… but Face to Face is my favorite band of
all time. Listening to Big Choice on a boombox in my back yard was
pretty formative of my musical tastes. I'm really happy to see the AV
Club give them any press. So what I'm

Because I'm always spreading mayostardmustardaionaise… and time.

Green eyes is probably the least troublesome thing about this really old theory: see also 1) there is a reason that Jon is called "Snow." Ned could not try to pass him off as his own son, as much as Howland Reed could try to pass Meera off as his own daughter… They were off at war, remember? Kind of hard to make the

“Half my army is made up of unbelievers. I will have no burnings. Pray harder.” – Stannis: ADWD

Valyrian steel = dragon steel confirmed.

I was selected as an alternate for this show when I was 12 years old. I scored the highest on the geography test at my school, because I honestly had no social life at the time. I still feel like to this day I wasn't picked because of two reasons: I hit puberty early, and I'm always given to saying ridiculously

Stannis: "I hired every healer in the land to help cure your disease, even though everyone said it was a lost cause, because you are my daughter."

Fair enough, but the other commenters are right. The ending of all four that hit the hardest and for me was the best was finding Wellington, where Clem and the baby could be safe, but losing Kenny in the process. All the endings with Jane were much less intense than that one.

Beleaguered after 8 years of war and an equal number of books, Hot Pie finally runs out of kidneys and he is forced to bake a spectacular Pounce Pie. As described by Martin, the pie has a grooved and flaky crust, and smells faintly of cardamom and sorrow… Hey, it's no worse than the Manderly pork pies.

Hmm… does murdering your future husband's dad usually lead to a happy marriage, or poisoned locusts?

There has to be at least one Roger Sterling level where in GTA style, you drink as much as you possibly can while collecting hippies for the orgy at your apartment, all the while evading your reformed daughter.

There was a confirmed Ser Pounce sighting!!!

Once was funny, twice was just not being careful.

The first course really ought to be shrimp… and white wine.


It's a product of sword-envy.

I feel like the exploding cigarette pack was taken straight from the old Wynn "I’m gonna get a machete and a blowtorch and I’m gonna make your body as small as I possibly can!" Duffy Playbook.