
In a show where an ice king just raised a dragon from the dead, I am somehow the
most furious about the logistics of how improbable it is that a raven
could fly fast enough across a continent to deliver a message.

But the awesome part was she was smart enough to know that. She chugged that poison like a shot of tequila because she knew that it was her best option. Once Jaime offered it to her, she knew she would have the last word.

Man, everyone who has psychic powers on this show is awful…
Mel to Varys: "you're going to die here in the future, just like me!"
Bran to Salsa: "remember when you married your rapist?"

Yeah, if you can see all of time and space, maybe the best idea is not to bring up the time your sister got married to her rapist.

I love the way she chugged that poison without hesitation knowing she was at least going to get the last word because it would not be anything like the one that killed Joff…

And in my will, I Ramsay Bolton, do bequeath my plot armor to… Cersei Lannister.

I don't know anyone who are members of the Sand Snake fan club other than the author of this post, who also drops this gem: "if Yara and Ellaria are able to escape Euron’s clutches, they’ll have very little manpower left to back them up." Actually they would have THE ENTIRE DORNISH ARMY, as the idea was that they

Oh, oh, oh
It's magic, you know
Never believe it's not so

I like how this episode coupled one of the most triumphant moments with by far the most slapstick moments.

Whatever man, you've been bought and paid for by the Hammer Brothers.

That actress had such amazing range of physical expression that no sound was necessary at all during the whole segment. Master of None always feeds me these little morsels like nothing else on TV.

That scene with the doctor really had me more terrified than some of the scenes with the commander. It was pretty clear to me that the doctor was using his position to sexually assault handmaidens, and that if they took him up on his invitation to disclose problems that they were having, the doctor would then use

I've met Appolonia, of Purple Rain fame, and she is the epitome of this ideal. I remember being next to her at dinner on a reality TV show and thinking how I will never meet a woman as graceful as her in my entire life.

Yeah, I'm surprised the reviewer didn't understand on the basis of this decision by Dwight why Negan had a wife… the women are almost all his wives, he doesn't have just one.

This comment about the Red Wedding is so spot on! It's as if Roose Bolton pulled his knife and then looked at Catelyn, Talisa, and Robb back and forth before the show stopped for a whole season, and then they came back after 8 months and killed them all. It wasn't just the impact of the deaths in the Red Wedding but

WHAT?!? No human eating lobstrocities that constantly say "did-a-chic?" That's preposterous.

She just wanted to go down on his upside.

Hopefully the gang whose uniform consisted only of a wifebeater with a handprint on it makes the cut. Or the mime gang.

I especially enjoyed the part where Sam found George R.R. Martin's rough draft for the next novel.

Did anybody else notice when Sam walked into George RR Martin's rough draft room for the next book?