
I'm gonna call right now that Terminus is full of people eaters. Why else would they waste valuable garden space on non-edible flowers? Unless they really like sunflower seeds, which would destroy my entire theory.

What's with this episode? If I was really that interested in the interdynamics of bandit politics, I would just go to any cave in Skyrim and sneak in.

3's have fleas.

I'd like it if the book were about all the things he had eaten in between books, described by him:

Totally agree. Gimpel said he would stick closer to the comic storyline, sometimes (like with Rick reaching for Carl full of pudding) almost frame for frame. He totally delivered on what was a really good storyline from the comics, one of those "Oh shit" moments… Even if the show telegraphed it, I thought they did a

That moment was a big one for Korl… however I realized the second he shot that unarmed Woodbury kid that they probably used that as a substitute for him killing Ben/Lizzie in the comics.

Of Mice and Men and Zombies.

Carol: We're gonna get a little place.

"I vant to Smurf your Smurf!" - Count Smurfula, Manager Hotel Transmurfvania

That herd of walkers interrupted quality time with his snoopy snocone machine.

I should have known when my ex-wife bought me that Scully Roses and Skulls western wear shirt that it totally read "Evil post-zombie-apocalypse douchebag bandit leader." True story, that's probably why we aren't married anymore… now where are my minions?

What's a discussion of pop punk without Face to Face? I won't lie down until you walk the walk. You'd better take it back or else I'll put you in your place… Ah, resignation, sigh.

Face to Face has an excellent cover of that song.

This was the first time Rick couldn't actually yell "CARL, GET BACK IN THE HOUSE!"

The Activist BioFrau Is Wiser Than the Superheroes of the French and Nuclear Plants Will Serve You More Than Hostages Will Ever Do

Another memorable Saget anecdote: he was sitting next to a friend of a friend of mine at the premier of the movie Sorority Boys, and leaned over to whisper: "I'm bored, you know what I would rather be doing right now? Punch fucking a whore."

"place directly in toilet"

I'm honestly pumped about this news, but I really wish they would make a film out of "I Have No Mouth, But I Must Scream."

Beating the zombie apocalypse with a baby in tow is like beating Contra without up up down down left right left right B A start.

I love the way she giggles and can't control her excitement as she says "I bit off a man's ear and spit it in his face!"