
My favorite part of the finale was the mention of Trogdor the Burninator! It was this line that got me into Buffy. I hadn't watched the series in its initial run because I disliked the movie and it was on the WB. For some reason I tuned into the finale and heard that line. I was struck because the character had only

Nope, it's
Deep in the heart of Texas

I wonder how well this cook-in format will affect the quality of contestants this season. I am hoping that this weeded out the cooks who can't compete in this format. My only fear is that now we will have 10 boring episdoes of separating the wheat from the chaffe instead of 5-6.

No it's Jacob James-Olmos

The Stars at Night
Are Big and Bright….

I assume the kitchen they were cooking in was in the basement of the Alamo.

Great catch. I respect your keen eye.

Ah I understand your point now. I agree that Moriarty doesn't have that over the top meglomaniacal streak to him, which adds to his charm I think.
Yep unfortunately I didn't see them til a few month ago. I hope to watch and comment in real time for series two.

If that Moriarty could sew, that would be Legendary! If he were on this season I think half the cast would have would up dead. At the very least he would have taken out some of the other birds so the owl would have gotten his chance to shine.

Good point on Nina's comment. I really wonder how much pull she has amidst the triad?
From the past I knew when she takes a stand people listen. But does she have such a silver tongue that she convinced two other seasoned judges to make this decision that is the opposite of so much Project Runway precedence?

From the National News a while back. The New Haven Fire Fighters and also in Chicago. It was determined that the questions on the enterance exams had a racial bias that made them easier for white applicants than black applicants.

Also you forgot Seth Aaron, his look was so Seth Aaron.

Great question. I wonder if this is a possible example of that underlying racial bias, similar to the biased firefighter exams. I don't know how well a collection that  looks great on your average normal regular black woman translates to the uber skinny, flat as a board, model set.

Second I can live with Anya winning with what was presented somewhat… it is just the way she won. It seems every time she was down there was a twist that saved her.
She looses her money, and then there's a second trip back to mood and they only have to show one dress.
She has the worst showing of the final four and

First I think Josh came in second because the producers wanted to inflict as much damage to his psyche as possible. This is going to haunt him forever.
And if he ends up in hell it will be on an infinate loop of Anya winning challenge after challenge after challege in spite of not knowing how to sew.

That was Taye Diggs

She won by 62,000 votes. Looks like sucking up to Tobago worked.

That being said… Mr Teti you were dead wrong in your analysis of Professor Moriarty. http://www.avclub.com/artic… I was shocked to learn that you of all people wrote that.

Was anyone else kinda ticked that Anya won fan favorite as well. I will admit that she seems to be getting everything, and too much. Come on, Ms Trinidad and Tobago, threesome with Ms. Japan, molly coddled by the judges, winning PR and fan favorite. Leave something for the rest of us.

I too would like to thank John Teti for another wonderful season!  You have that great combination of humor and insight. It feels weird to say this and mean it, but whether or not he reviews the next season of PR will play a factor on whether I tune in to watch. I would want to know what he was talking about in these