
Can you imagine the Ode to Menstration that Teti would write. Sigh

Can you imagine the Ode to Menstration that Teti would write. Sigh

Baker's dozens! …. There are thirteen.

Baker's dozens! …. There are thirteen.

I just heard "Four Chords" a few weeks ago. It has become one of my favs.

I just heard "Four Chords" a few weeks ago. It has become one of my favs.

They light and bite!

I too was sad that the episode got a D+. I think we are similar, we like the show but realize it does not have a mass appeal. I also think that Kevin graded the episode soley on its face. I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing or a dishonest thing. A grade is a grade and lord knows we don't want to start

In all fairness Kevin did watch/review the first episode of the season. So that's at least two episodes.
I don't envy him. I assume one of the hardest assignments for a pop culture reviewer is to objectively review something that you do not care for. The flaws seem bigger, the highs aren't that high, and you have to

I agree. I think the performances might have suffered a tad because they performed just for fun. But that's why I watch the show, to hear some good singing done in interesting ways.

Stray thoughts
-  I found it funny/odd they skirted around the fact the Trevor Project focuses on LGBT youths. That little fact was editted around and made hilarious by Avi talking about how he was teased for being Jewish and Mitch for "having a high pitched voice."
- I actually liked the expanded season. Before the

I think it is a huge shame that one of the few reviews this show will get is based this particular episode. I do agree that tonight's live finale was below average. Alas many people who turn into this review will know nothing about the above average episodes and the truely great performances. (For that I'd recommend

That is the one thing I am looking forward to the most. I am making the prediction now that one of the eliminations will be between Chris and Richie. And it will be sad.

1) Blah! I didn't notice that misspelling. One of the other chef must have stole my "f"
2) Blah! I hate being behind the times. This season of Top Chef is my first experience with Chef Hugh.

My take on it wasn't that she was trying to get attention solely focused on her but for her team away from regular normal customers. As bad as it may sound I think she had a valid point, even if she executed it poorly. I think that the people who only have 30 minutes to shop shouldn't have to wait in line.
I think that

I will point out that the team with the most Chicago chefs won the challenge. Chi-town representing!

I couldn't helpbut stare at Hugh's uni-brow, hereater dubbed the Hugh-ni-brow.


Granny S Preston Esquire???? No way.

Thank you for using champ instead of chomp.