
On an unrelated topic, When this whole new comment/redesign thing happened the AV Club said they would have an open thread page where people could comment on shows that weren't regularly covered. Does anyone know if they followed through on this? There's really only one other show I'de want to comment on and it

I don't think this was "rigging" so much as it was "massaging the results." And I don't think it was done for the storyline. I think the judges, especially Nina, latched onto her from the begining and wanted to see her win as time went on.
She was the first child who could do no wrong. And I think that's where a lot of

It's an old saying about law school. The basis is behind the fact that law school does very little to prepare people for the actual practice of law.

I think thats what they were going for. I prefer that sort of subtle mental attack to the blatent obvious attacks. This seemed to be a more devious way of getting under Alicia's skin rather than tales of misappropriation of client funds and wild group sex.

That was my biggest irk at the night. It is hard to feel sympathy for someone who has an actual offer that they turn down for another potential job. That is ludicris for the reasons you stated. But a U of C grad who had an actual offer and almost an actual offer will probably have no trouble finding another job.

Josh's face was priceless! He was all: you're awful chipper for someone who's been eliminated…. wait what????? F*** this mother f****ing s**t!!!! Wait I have to be all smiles.
For his sake I hope that if Anya wins that he isn't the runner up. I think he'd punch Anya and try to strangle Nina "President of the Anya Fan

I did watch the show. I didn't catch that. Probably because it seems she always has that look.
It is a nice theory but I'm pretty sure they would edit around that if one of the designers let it slip who won (even with a recovery).

You have to respect the owl. Never before have we gotten so much joke mileage out of a disrespected bird. It is amazing to see how that owl has come to represent the 9th season. It is a shame he made his appearance so late in the game. How many owl related gags have we missed out on.

I can't stand a non-elimination, especially when you can justify sending someone home! The judges have gone soft in their old age. I demand the salty tears of a crushed dream.

Ok so they give her 20 bucks for gas money!

Final Power Rankings:
Alas it is just like the judges called them! Sigh :(
1) Anya
2) Viktor
3) Josh
4) Kimberly
But this is as far as Mr. Momentum takes them. They have the long layoff in which to make a collection. Going in I think Viktor has the best chance of winning. He has it all, an eye for design and the talent to

While I believe Anya will probably win it is never a given. Viktor can design on her level and has better construction skills. Josh can come up with something as interesting and if he edits his collection well he can impress the judges. I think both of them benifit from having more time to choose fabrics, designs, and

Well Mondo probably would have won had he listened to the judges last year. He kept that one dress in his collection the judges told him to get rid of. He found out the hard way that the judges prefered to be listened to.

Well it was a decent sketch. I don't know if it was the first fake puke through a hidden tube sketch on television, but for a lot of people it was probably the first time they've seen the gag where everyone just starts throwing up.
Also puke = funny. I cite as an example Stand By Me's Lardass Hogan story. It is

The murder scene seems like an SNL sketch because it was an SNL sketch. Everyone sees what happens to the murder victim and starts vomitting.

Teti I really wish there was a "Tulle Trouble" get cracking on that. You can make it the origin story on why Donald doesn't wear pants. He makes a pair of pants and mean orange judge tears him a new one. He makes a vow to never be associated with pants again.

Power Rankings
1) Anya - Nothing can stop this girl! If there's problem she fixes it, if there's a challenge she over comes it. Everything is turning up Milhouse for Anya. If all the previous obstacles can't derail her, nothing can. Methinks she picked up some sort of black magic in Trinidad before she left, or is that

Does anyone else feel that these guys dodged a total bullet by only having to complete one look. Would Kimberly or Josh been head to head winners if they had to show both looks, I don't think so.

My favorite unmentioned moment from last night's episode: Kors mentioning he is an "orange guy." I don't know what would make it funnier, if Kors was being self aware about his fake tan or if Kors actually would wear Josh's dress. It's a comment that works on so many levels…. well two levels I suppose.

This episode was the best publicity for PiperLime.com all season. "Our shoes are stylish and can kill New York grade cockroaches!"