
Power Rankings Week 10
1) Viktor - he continues to play the game well. He has found his groove and is thriving as the competition continues. At this point he is the only "lock" for the final three.
2) Anya - She pulled another win from nowhere. She has an eye for what looks good, how far will that take her though? Can

It was sad to see Anthony "one ball" Ryan go home. He will be missed. It was shocking to see how well Anya rebounded. I was sure she was destined to go home with only $11 to make a garment. It turned out well.

A great episode. I loved how Dianne was so observant this week, picking up on the tension between Alicia and Kalinda, and Will's over compensating professionalism at work.

You may remember her as the best damn color blocker in Project Runway History!

Bangs the elder was the nickname for Mila H from season 7. Her and Maya both had similar hair cut emphasizing their bangs. Mila looked like the older version of Maya. Thus they were nicknamed Bangs the Elder and Bangs the Younger.

It's been awhile since we've seen power rankings. Here are mine with my thoughts on who will be the final four designers fighting for the top three spots.
Power Rankings Week 9
1) Viktor - With a win this week, Viktor takes the top spot. Overall he has had a solid season. I would say he will definitely be one of the

I meant Kimberly, who is probably the next to go.

Also who was excited for Project Runway All Stars!!!! I noticed Michael C, Mondo, Bangs the Elder, Austin. This could be as good as Top Chef All Stars, can't wait for November.

Tonight's elimination ceremony was so tense. My fiance and I were sitting on the couch in anticipation. We've disliked Olivier from the beginning and cheered when Kelly was told she was staying!!!!
So long you poser! Enjoy making clothes that fit only 0.04% of the population.

Their performance was great, tonight. I don't think they have that magical quality known as "it" to go all the way. They do have some built in advantages: prior experience, being able to pick and choose their members. I think that allows them to shine in the initial episode. And I think this will carry them far into

And that's what I curious about, how much interest is there for the Sing Off so far? Is it just here's a new season interest, weekly updates, midseason check-ins? Or will the next Sing Off posting be for the start of Season 4?

My problem with Ben Folds is that he has the ability to be a "Simon" but doesn't live up to that ability. The show could use more honest, frank, technical analysis of the performances, and he can provide that. It doesn't have to be delivered in a harsh, douche-baggey, mean for the sake of being mean manner as some

Is the AV Club going to be reviewing this on a regular basis? Or is this just a begining of the season review?

Random thoughts:
- I too think it is a little unfair the previous contestants can get on again via a new group. But I don't think they are the best designed to win. More like the best designed to go farther. I felt the supergroup from last season skated by on the novelty of the female beatboxer.
- I am waiting for the

I do have a suggestion to replace the bracketology aspect of the show. I think it would have been fair to have the first four perform and have two move onto the next round and then have the second four perform and have two move onto the next round. And then send two groups home out of the bottom four.
I don't mind the

As a fan of the first two seasons, I am worried that the Sing Off might not work over a longer period of time. Unlike Top Chef, Project Runway and other reality competitions I don't think it is possible to create midseason drama with wacky challenges. Four or five episodes works great, and maybe you could push it all

We started out like Romeo and Juliet, but it ended up in tragedy!

I think Tim was probably informed by the on set supervisor or someone similar. But isn't it more fun to imagine such backstabbing intrigue?

Will George Lucas digitally insert more Ewoks for the Blu-Ray release?

I loved the use of Swatch tonight. Tim Gunn chasing him around was cute. And when the fur discussion was going on between Josh C and Gunn, the smash cut to a worried pooch.