
Here's the million dollar question. Why didn't any cunning designer work backwards? Come up with a concept for a dress very quickly, and then paint something inspired by the dress.

That make me think of Godfather II
"Viktor I know it was you, you broke my heart!" Smooch.

This was another challenge that I didn't like, which seems to be happening a lot on PR. I will confess my ignorance of fashion. I don't know what qualifies as "fashion forward" "avant garde" "haute couture" "modern" "costumey" or any of the other buzz words that get thrown around on the show. 
It seems that while these

Yay! We're down to ten designers which means time for the two squad make a line challenge. How many times will we hear the phrase "thrown under the bus" in this episode? I'm going to say 16 times. Any chance Teti can keep an official count?

I'd still rather wait for the Hungry Hungry Hippos Movie

Whoa there AH, Statler and Waldorf are hetero life-mates who enjoy the theater, each other's company, and destroying the fragile psyche of Fozzy Bear. They are no Bert and Ernie or Mr Hooper and his Gimp.

That was one crazy ensemble he wore at the track. New Balance tennis shoes, jeans, shirt, tie, and suit coat. Only Tim Gunn or Richard Branson can pull that off.

Nothing wrong with posting four comments in a row if they are true. I think Teti captured the essence of Josh M beautifully. When my fiance said I hope the asshole goes home tonight, I didn't know if she meant Josh M or Bert.

Whoa whoa whoa. I need to grad a pen and paper, would you repeat such confusing directions.

The reports of OlivIer's death were premature.

I too loathe the lack of historical perspective by the show tonight. Gretchen's spectacular meltdown from last season was way more dysfunctional than anything tonight. Also I've always been of the opinion that sometimes the worst dress of the night doesn't go home. The judges know what butters their bread and that is

His legend lives on!
I love how Michael Costello is now the benchmark for dress that looks different in real life than on television, for better or worse.

The caller is 14???
He must have hit puberty at a young age because he sound like he's 18-20.

@ Amirite Shyamaian
For the love of god, please post your power rankings every week.

The curtain dress was from Gone With the Wind and I think it was a mis-reference. Although I haven't seen Sound of Music so I can't say for certain they didn't make curtain dresses.
That actually would be a good challenge. Make a dress from curtains.

Hedi has worn some bad outfits, hence why I omitted her name. It may be due to fuzzy memory, but I can't really recall an atrocious outfit from Nina in recent memory.

I know, total douche move.

Who dresses these people, honestly?
Why is it that a majority of PR contestants look as if an eight year old girl dressed them, an eight year old with access to a costume shop? If these people want to be taken seriously in the fashion industry, why do they present themselves like twenty something baristas about to

I won't miss Fallene…
… but I will miss her prominent sailor girl tattoo.

I agree I wanted to punch Bryce in the face after the 20th time he said "on grain"