
So, who is this Blake Lively, and why is he dressed as a woman?

So, who is this Blake Lively, and why is he dressed as a woman?

I can never get over the startling disconnection between Claudio Sanchez's physical appearance and his singing voice, which sounds like a cross between a little girl and Michael Jackson.

I can never get over the startling disconnection between Claudio Sanchez's physical appearance and his singing voice, which sounds like a cross between a little girl and Michael Jackson.

I am into that kind of thing.

I am into that kind of thing.

If you think the 3-D you get in cinemas looks anything like reality, you've obviously got some kind of truly bizarre eyesight problem.  As such, this thread might not be the best one for you to be commenting on. 

If you think the 3-D you get in cinemas looks anything like reality, you've obviously got some kind of truly bizarre eyesight problem.  As such, this thread might not be the best one for you to be commenting on. 

2-D perfectly creates the illusion of 3-dimensionality - it looks exactly like real life.

2-D perfectly creates the illusion of 3-dimensionality - it looks exactly like real life.

Went to see it yesterday, and enjoyed it. It wasn't the transcendent masterpiece it would have been if Lynn Collins had been naked as per the book, but it was still highly entertaining.

Dear Taylor Swift,
If you're reading this message board, you're probably thinking: 'Alas! My hideous face and unattractive body shall surely doom me to a life of celibacy and loneliness, before my inevitable death as an old maid.'
However, do not be so quick to despair.  Incredible as it may seem, I am actually willing

I look forward to seeing your illustrations for this story.

Your wife is familiar with ER but not John Carter? Replace her at once.

Harry Potter.  Best film of the year by an embarrassingly huge margin.  It has been a bitterly disappointing year for indie/arthouse fare, though, as these award and nominee lists are amply demonstrating.

I have nothing to say.

It's a Small World After All - the perfect answer.  A glittering career in the field of psychological torture awaits you.

It's a butt double for the bit where she dives into the water, but it's Natalie herself for the bit where she's just standing there. 
Which raises the question: Did they hold butt double auditions to makes sure the two matched up? 

No, even Lohan in her present condition is too good looking to play Lovelace. 
Maybe they could use Rhea Perlman and de-age her a few decades with CGI.

You probably shouldn't be revealing your sexual interest in 12 year old boys on the internet.  Undercover FBI agents might be lurking nearby.