
Elrond, if I had a talking goat I wouldn't be wasting my time posting on the internet, I'd be exhibiting it around the country and raking in the cash.

Hate to break it to you, but that awesomely sexy body is long gone. She has now adopted the curveless 'young boy' look.

A strange phenomenon indeed: allegedly male comic reviewers who spend all their time complaining about the skimpy costumes of female super-heroes. 
I can't help but feel they're somewhat out of touch with the audience they're supposed to be writing for.

Allow me to correct that headline for you:
'Portion of long-lost Graham Cutts film discovered in New Zealand pile of nitrate'

Don't leave us hanging, we need to know what Jordan is forking. You can't just say 'Jordan's forking' and expect us to guess. I won't be able to get any sleep till I find out.

Watch in awe as my lightning-fast first post leaves all the other hordes of commentators standing in the dust. A truly remarkable achievement, given the vast and enduring popularity of this film.

Free ship ping, you say? Sounds good, how do I collect it?

Your opinion is subjective, not objective.
The only person with objective opinions is me, because I'm always right.

Don't worry, everyone. After Rabin finishes these, he can start on the original British 'Now' series, currently up to vol. 78. And each one of those is a double album, too.

Still no star-spangled panties, dammit.
If it ain't got star-spangled panties, it ain't Wonder Woman.
Oh well, maybe this forthcoming Justice League movie will learn from David Kelley's mistakes. They could use this TV show as a step-by-step guide on how not to do a live action Wonder Woman.

JMP, I suppose you could get those messages from Forrest Gump if you were taking it completely at face value and totally failing to realise that it's a bleak satire of the whole 'American Dream' concept. And that it's actually saying pretty much the exact opposite of what you seem to think it's saying.

Are you saying that her pasty white ass has been on display at some point? If so, provide me with detailed information as where I can access said footage/photo/whatever. Purely for the purposes of scientific research, of course.

"Each repetition brings an ambush, and a renewal".

I agree.
I was a Pixies fan for several years before getting around to checking out Frank Black's solo work, but when I finally did, I was blown away.
I still love the Pixies, but I listen to 'Pistolero', 'Teenager of the Year', 'Black Letter Days' and several other Frank Black albums considerably more frequently. In

Someone should probably tell Harvey that the film has already been released in the US, and according to IMDB is currently number 4 at the box office and has made around $60 milli0n.

Rice milk? How do you milk rice? Where are its nipples?

Dismiss Michael Jackson's musical legacy if you must, but you can't deny his awesome achievements in the world of child molestation.

Her singing voice is really annoying. It's like listening to a sheep undergoing some kind of traumatic experience.

It seems that moderators have removed all threads related to Sarah Jessica Parker and the faces of horses. It makes this comments thread feel somehow incomplete and inadequate.