William S. Churros

I think he's already a lucky man since he's with Amy Poehler.

It's a metaphor.


Jimmy Fallon's enthusiasm is real, though. He genuinely enjoys the people he has on.

I'm really surprised I hadn't heard about this book.

You should also mention that Charlie Mcdermott was IN Hot Tub Time Machine as one of the snow jocks.

I just started tearing up a bit about the "mother is dead" theory. That would be an incredibly sad way to end a sitcom. Almost like that last season of Roseanne where it turned out Dan was dead and Roseanne was an ungrateful bitch who didn't like the way her family's lives were going, so she changed them. I fucking

On Tumblr, it's more like Jennifer Lawrence trips and the internet goes wild with "TRANSPHOBIC/SEXIST/FAT-SHAMING/ABLEIST" and any other "ists" you can throw at a 23 year old actress who's rising high (whether you like her or not).

Only the 365th time I've heard that joke.

Wow! All you people calling Rebel Wilson fat, YOU SURE GOT HER! What biting commentary.

Jake's video needed more Egon.

Your wit truly knows no end.

Michael Che and Hannibal Buress would like to have a word with you.

Excuse me, but what did Burroughs do? Do you mean the death of his wife? You mean, how in a drunken game, she put a glass on her head and he shot and missed? Is this what you mean? Or are you condemning his drug addiction or the fact that he was gay? Please elaborate.

One thing is for sure: this will yield either the best or worst gay porn parody. For that, I'm excited and horny.

Men Alone 2: The KY Connection

I, for one, enjoyed this.

It is getting REALLY HARD to be a Kanye West fan.

What does that even mean?

You really are a stupid ass.