
you forgot Toad's Horse Yogurt
"For Your Horse!"

praise hosanna!
rang dipkin in the highest!

totally agreed w/ mitchforth. everything from the hit on Juan to the elimination of the Terminator Cousins was part of the consistently underestimated Fring's power grab. i think people are as disappointed to see the badassery of the Cousins depart the show in the same way they were when Tuco was taken out. but we

great stuff such as Triptykon's 'Eparistera Daimones', which i can't find a leak of anywhere and it's driving me insane.

Failure's Conquest lays all else on that record to waste

i loved DJ Roomba's ghost, threatening to torture Jerry with an infinite loop of the Black Eyed Peas

David Wallace following Michael down the driveway was spectacularly funny

ME2 is not the first 360 game that spans multiple discs. there are more than a few others, Lost Odyssey is the only one coming to mind at the moment though.

i own all the albums. i'm not saying each one can't be appreciated for certain things, but you're kidding yourself if you think they haven't gotten progressively more palatable to the masses over time. this is the band that used to hurl amps into the front row and breathe fire during every set; now they're touring

DEP has been on the fast track towards Hard Rock from 'Miss Machine' on down the line. saying they're more violent and destructive than bands like Incantation or Anaal Nathrakh is pretty ridiculous.

showing respect for the genre
The Chasm - The Spell of Retribution
Cobalt - Gin
Napalm Death - Time Waits for No Slave
Cannibal Corpse - Kill
Pretty Little Flower - Pulverizing Lethal Force
Gorgoroth - Ad Majorem Satanhas Gloriam
Decrepit Birth - Diminishing Between Worlds
Narcosis - Romance
Rotten Sound - Cycles
The Ocean -

what Pit_Pat said. if you're citing the "no cookie monster vocals"caveat, just walk away.

wow that guy really likes Cartoon Metal. and no i'm not just talking about Metalocalypse.

'We Are the Romans' cannot be fucked with. flawless from start to finish.

those people are what's known as 'false'

Queens of the Stone Age is not a metal band. it's just not. turn it up as loud as you want, bang your head as hard as possible - they're still a hard rock band at the end of the day, albeit a very good one.

just want to dole out some double high-fives for those Darkthrone mentions.

fanboyism or not, i almost fell off the couch the second i heard "THERE'S A STORM ON THE HORIZON." he absolutely nailed the Batvoice!

it's entirely possible that The Puppeteer is completely in on it and knows his stupidity-laced common-denominator schtick, while completely soulless, gets yokels to tune in and pay up faster than you can say Schwupps Ginny Pale.

although i'm pretty outraged that his fucking retarded puppet garbage ruined an otherwise decent episode of one of my favorite shows, i take solace in the fact that it doesn't look like he'll be a recurring character.