
This is up there with "Classic Poe" as my favorite AV Club meme.

I am just over 30, and I watch more shows on the CW than any other network.

I think one of POI's greatest strengths is that it is consistently entertaining.

You can just jump in. You will catch on pretty quickly, although I do suggest going back and watching the first seasons when you get a chance.

Eh, Supernatural is still one of the most fun shows on TV. I agree that Seasons 2-5 were the strongest of the lot, but it still churns out more hits than misses.

Agree! It's what Smallville should have been.

My mom doesn't usually like sci-fi, but she watches Supernatural so that
she can watch "the funny one". That's as good of a recommendation as
you are going to get.

I agree with your assessment of Jensen Ackles. He's a really good actor, and I think that a non-niche show might do great things for his career.

I like it for the most part, but Cara has been grating on me since the show started. She's like another Laurel…

The one thing that left me with the biggest "huh?" of the night was Fiona's fate. I thought that she didn't have a soul. How could she go to hell if she's strictly a physical being?

Like Soof-yawn, I do believe.

My mom loves his first "Songs for Christmas" album. She thinks that Sufjan is super cute and charming.

I will say that it was one of the best hours that this show has ever produced. One of the top 5 episodes of the show, I would say.


He was talking about the Woodburians that Rick took in at the prison. Woodburites? Anyway, Sasha and Tyreese and some of those bus people were from Woodbury.

To be honest, I was happy that someone on the side of the Governor had a "wait - what?!" reaction. It might have been an 'obvious' line, but I don't think that anyone here would have anything deeper to say after seeing a guy's head cut off.

Good Lord, AV Club. That picture is large and horrifying.

I have a warm place in my heart reserved for short stacks.

So, two dudes?

I'm really glad that this episode got some love in the review. I knew that we were in for a good episode when Hutcherson nailed that "It's a book?" line in the monologue.