
She looks so different now from when she was the first Ruby on Supernatural. She definitely did not have a kidney face back then.

Did anyone else notice how weird Laurel looked in this episode? I think that the actress got some Bristol Palin-esque plastic surgery. Totally unnecessary.

Agreed. I am totally on board with over-the-top theatrics.

At the beginning of the episode, I saw the shape in the destroyed wall to be a downturned arrow rather than a letter "V". I thought that it was a nice bit of foreshadowing to show an arrow pointing straight at the Count. (But I like the V for Vertigo thing as well.)

Sounds about right to me. Just as long as Daryl gets to be all broody.

Actually, I think that the most enduring image of Merkel that we have over here in America is her cringing when Bush grabbed her shoulders. Classic. She earned a lot of American fans that day.


Well, crap. Carol was my favorite character after Daryl. Their flirting was the highlight of many an episode.

Lori is horrible. The only thing that you need to master with pancakes is stirring. She couldn't even stir correctly.

I thought that she would at least give him the double deuce.

I also remember feeling cheated at the beginning of Resurrection. I liked the ending to H20. It was appropriate, and it seemed right. Thankfully, since this is all fiction (and fiction without proper continuity), we can willfully ignore Resurrection's existence and proclaim that H20 was the true ending chapter. Yay!

All we need is a Kelly Zombor, and we'll have the whole set.

Yes! It's the "actress acting" thing that really gets me. If she was at all believable, she wouldn't be so grating.

Despite the show's efforts to not make Juliette so unbearable, she's still unbearable. Were we supposed to root for her when she slapped Renard? Supposed to think that she's hardcore? Personally, I thought that it was a weird moment straight out of high school drama class.

For instance, instead of "people", he would say "folk"; instead of "flowers", he would say "blossoms"; instead of "beautiful", he would say "fair".

I'm much more afraid that people will walk in on me while I am watching ASMR videos. That shit is hard to explain.

Oh, your first sentence is lovely.

Oo! I like the "forcing Sam to be happy" plot. It's creepy, but not evil enough to kick him out of the band - especially if it's done with good intentions. (I want Ezekiel to stick around. The boys need some new allies.)

I hope not. Fake Chaucer is a funny guy, and it would be a shame if his followers didn't get his jokes.

I thought that Sam saying that he was happy had more to do with Zeke radiating some of that angel energy than with any dissipating guilt. And that, in turn, made Dean feel MORE guilty because he hasn't told Sam why he is feeling so warm and toasty.