natelys whores pimp

These are not smart moves for saving on overhead

Or how about where two characters are having a conversation about a character in the next room (or just on the other side of the room), and the other person magically can't hear them talk.

Shades of Kilbourn, no?

We're going to ride our bicycles… doo do do doo doo doo doo dooooo…

those are bawwwls

Hey, when did you learn forms of the verb "be"?!

I never noticed the pasta sculptures in the background of Kramer's apartments prior to this scene grab. Classic.


I gotta say, I don't see "architect" coming from you

It's 3 AM, and he must be lonely

Tiny Terry sure likes his pickles

You've selected… One-hour TV special. If this is correct, press 1.

Steinbrenner finally shows his face!

Whoever labeled them as the "Be Sharps" seems to be missing the joke…

That's an oldie… at least where I come from

I've been rewatching the show "Dinosaurs" on Netflix (which I remembered loving when I was a kid), and it is both hilarious and poignant. The satire is also unreal and surprisingly relevant, covering issues like steroids, war, objectification of Native Americans, and the brainwashing that is TV. Plus, their

I bought everything up until the Cubs winning the World Series part.

So, Chicago is split up into 5 factions, and all of them seem to be nearly entirely white? Seems about right.

I once knew a guy named Bates.
But he was no Master of anything.

and Frightened Inmate #2