natelys whores pimp

Black Bauer Donkey Kong-ed the terrorists

Even if Megan was married to Don, I doubt she was making that much.

I mostly agree with that, but Liz meeting her adopted kids for the first time had me crying like a big, dumb homo.

What is he, a farmer?

You know whose hair I love? Jesus. It's a shame it gets overlooked on account of all the miracles and such.

True, but he did have a "LIVE4EVA" license plate.

Here in America, we call it "The NBA"

I would have never guessed that an Abbott & Costello-esque routine about a misunderstanding between a popcorn machine and a vagina would have worked so well, but here we are. That was comic gold.

I take it from how it played out that Bates is going to save Anna by confessing to murdering Mr. Green (with the candlestick) himself, which seems preposterous since there doesn't seem to be any evidence aside from a retroactive witness account. But then again, maybe preposterous is the best way to end this story

Tugg Speedman won for Tropic Thunder, but he totally should have won for Scorcher VI: Global Meltdown instead

As soon as Winston said "this may be the wrong time to bring this up…", I lost it. I didn't know what was coming next, but I knew it would be glorious.

The fact that Julian Fellowes makes Maggie Smith say the name "Shrimpy" in every episode is tremendous trolling on his part.

Thank God. I thought I was the only one who kept a word processor in the bathroom.

Who's Daisy? I know a Sayid, but no Daisy.

I found "I'm going upstairs to take off my hat" to be the most Downton Abbey of Downton Abbey lines.

Will the characters go to a concert headlined by a band coached by Jack Black?

A.V. Club:
you meant that sarcastically

Of all the praise True Detective has received this year, I'm sure "I guess I was impressed with True Detective" is right at the top.

Becker? I hardly know her!

You don't have a hard job