Big Bad Voodoo Lou

The pre-New 52 Ted and Booster are back in Giffen and DeMatteis' Justice League 3000, starting in #12, and Ted had a cameo in Multiversity: Pax Americana. I need to pick all those up, as I'm planning a binding project with all the significant Ted BB appearances after JLI/A/E ended.

Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) is my all-time favorite superhero. I had all the singles of his mid-'80s run and had them bound into a custom hardcover years ago. It's kind of bland and generic (especially compared to Ted's more iconic adventures in Justice League International from the same era, which I also got bound), but

I was hoping for Rashida Jones as the straight woman/leader, Aisha Tyler as the nerdy scientist, Lizzy Caplan as the sarcastic Venkman type, and either Lauren Lapkus, Ellie Kemper, or Alison Brie as the wide-eyed, enthusiastic rookie. I like some of your choices too.

I wish I could stomach @midnight. I usually love the guests, but I don't care for Chris Hardwick and can't stand the format of the show. I wish it could just be a show about comedians hanging around a green room or a talk show set, riffing off each other and cracking each other up, like those behind-the-scenes

I'm disappointed, but not terribly surprised. I loved the Birthday Boys, but I didn't know anyone else in real life who watched it or had even heard of it. When I tried to show people sketches to win them over, nobody was very enthusiastic. By its very nature, a sketch comedy show is going to have hits and misses,

I think Chris VanArtsDalen (the bald guy) was the least interested in performing, so he hung back and directed the majority of the sketches, along with Jefferson Dutton (the guy with the round head). Kalpakis, Mitchell, and Hanford were definitely the "stars" of the group, and the ones I'd be least surprised to see

Both fantastic books.

Task Force X?

I remember many years ago, post-L.A. Confidential (maybe pre-Memento?), Pearce said in an interview that he would never play a comic book character. That was before the boom, of course, but he was my top choice to play Daredevil back in 2003. And now? He was a forgettable villain in Iron Man 3 when he had the looks

I haven't seen Jai Courtney in anything, but he seems about as wooden as Sam Worthington, another bland actor they tried to push on everyone.

As a Suicide Squad and Deadshot fan, I still contend that Tom Hardy would have made a better Deadshot (amoral, sarcastic, roguish badass antihero) and Will Smith would have made a better Rick Flagg (hardass military man who has seen it all, who is the only man who can keep the team on mission and keep them from

Fuddruckers was my favorite burger joint throughout the '80s, '90s, and most of the 2000s. As a kid and a teenager, it was always a real treat to go there. Loved the big, juicy burgers and being able to customize the toppings however I wanted. My family's favorite inside joke was the "Zimmerman Note Burger," topped

Wusthof — REALLY high-end kitchen knives.

"With pushpins and an eraser, you can make a little pig."

"So then… so then… where are my glasses?"

"Such exquisite imagery."

Yes, this. Adam Scott as Beetle and Joel McHale as Booster, please.

Damn, sorry. I'll edit, and I apologize. It was only my intent to demystify things and explain the reading order, not to spoil events you might read later. Mea culpa.

EDITED to remove spoilers:

If they're going with a four-girl team, I'm still hoping for Lizzy Caplan (sarcastic/cool girl), Aisha Tyler (nerdy/smart girl), Rashida Jones (serious/tough girl), and either Ellie Kemper, Alison Brie, or Lauren Lapkus (awkwardly enthusiastic new girl).