Big Bad Voodoo Lou

She really is terrific. I got to see her live earlier this year, and she did not disappoint. And she's much LESS raunchy than her friend and colleague Amy Schumer, at least in terms of sex talk.

The bindery I used back in 2009 went out of business, but I'm going to send my Suicide Squads to Herring & Robinson, one bindery that specializes in custom-binding comics: http://www.herringandrobins…

I'm the biggest Blue Beetle fan, so I had all 24 issues (plus Secret Origins #2, focusing on both Dan Garrett and Ted Kord) bound into a custom hardcover volume. Makes it a lot easier and more pleasant to read. I did the same with the Giffen/DeMatteis JLI/JLA/JLE, Robinson's Starman, and Sandman Mystery Theatre, and

I was also hoping for Booster! Now he and Ted have both been edged out by non-union equivalents.

This is still my favorite series finale of all time, leading off a Top Five list with Parks & Recreation, Breaking Bad, The Shield, and Arrested Development (the first time it ended).

The Question would work perfectly on Arrow as investigative reporter Vic Sage, calling out the crime and corruption in Starling City and antagonizing Team Arrow for their methods, while working as a detective and vigilante himself by night. Plus, they could always do a Flash crossover where Vic meets Iris and/or

Beetle, Booster, and the Question for me, please! (Or The Shade or the Wesley Dodds Sandman in experience mentor roles.)

Ted was in two Brave and the Bold episodes, a flashback where Jaime learned about him, culminating in Ted's heroic self-sacrifice (this time against his own evil uncle Jarvis on Pago Island, like in Ted's original origin story), and another story where Ted was torn between acting as a serious science and business

When did Ted Kord appear on Young Justice? I never watched it, but I knew Jaime was on the show. Aside from Ted's two appearances on Brave and the Bold, I never knew he appeared anywhere else!

DC told the Arrow producers that Kord wasn't available because they had other plans for him, and Geoff Johns has already teased Booster Gold showing up on Flash, due to the time travel shenanigans. I'm still holding out hope for Ted and Booster to show up somewhere — maybe on this new show!

Agreed. That's what it was supposed to be.

GREAT movie. We caught it on some random free movies-on-demand channel, had never heard of it, and ended up loving it. I'm a sucker for neo-noir, though.

Jaime's Beetle armor is a fantastic design by Cully Hamner, and it helped that Jaime was written well by Giffen and Rogers in the first place, with a likeable supporting cast. He was a a pretty unique hero in that he was positive and not rooted in tragedy, with a family that knew his secret and loved and supported

Unfortunately (for Ted and his few fans), the new Blue Beetle, Jaime Reyes, has gotten quite a mainstream push from appearing in the Brave and the Bold and Young Justice cartoons. I even saw little kids dressed as Jaime-Beetle for Halloween last year, which warmed my heart. But I'm sure DC doesn't want to confuse

Ted Kord is (was) my favorite superhero, so it kills me that they wrote the part for him, and Routh would have been so perfect to play him. I'm just hoping Geoff Johns has big plans for Booster Gold over on Flash (he's hinted as much, with the time-travel storylines to come), and Ted can factor into that somehow.

Looks like X-O Manowar to me.

Wonderful album.

Just in case anyone hasn't seen this yet:

I saw her with Kelly Hogan as her backup singer (before I got to know Kelly's music and became a huge fan of hers too), and they were crazy with their banter. Kelly was much more talkative than Neko, to the point where I was imagining a SNL sketch with Kristen Wiig as the spotlight-stealing backup singer desperate to

She is the coolest. If anyone has a chance to see her live, DO IT. I caught her a few years ago on her first foray into Florida.