Lux was fourteen

Hi, I'm Christie Masters-Christiansen… hmmmmmmmm!*


It's likely they meant career trajectory as something for them to emulate. Even discounting the fact that gender needn't be a factor in one's role models, the fact that there is one female best director winner out of 87 reinforces how stacked the odds are against aspiring female directors, which would be disheartening

Girls is great because people are awful and weird. I'm not interested in art/entertainment where everybody's got their shit together because I see enough of that represented in fiction and it's not very exciting. In every day life I mostly see people being awful and weird so to see it in a show like this interests me

I think the more likely conclusion is that Meryl has been in the business long enough to know not to piss off Russell Crowe.

Sure - because feminism is the ONLY tribe that, from an outsider's perspective, would appear to believe themselves to always be right.

Although John Lee Hancock is neither David Fincher or Paul Thomas Anderson

Hopefully it's not too late for you to raise that point before the first table reading

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? was the first Mike Nichols movie I ever saw, when i was 15 and without any prior knowledge of the play, and I was enthralled. I think a 15 year old being so captivated by a black and white film that's mostly dialogue is an incredible achievement, and apart from the amazing source

Seeing the real estate photos alongside screencaps from the film/series reminds me of those photo series like 'New York: Then and Now' where old crime scene photos are superimposed on top of modern day photos of the city. It feels like a Buzzfeed article, 'You Won't Believe What This Father Did To His Daughter In This

As a corporate slave myself, it is ALWAYS the highlight of my week/month to watch someone else have the meltdown i wish I was brave enough to have

ugh yeah the father-daughter stuff was terrible, but Mamet and Kirke managed to salvage it. Shoshanna's wordless reaction to being saddled with the responsibility of taking care of Jessa, and Jessa's smoking in the street "I AM a junkie"… they're my two faves of the 4 core girls and i never feel like they get enough

As far as I can feel sorry for Lindsay, which is more than I should, this is what's frustrating. When my life becomes overwhelming, I would love to have the luxury of being able to just go AWOL - move to the country and live in a tiny shack in the woods and paint the same damn landscape every day for six months. But

It's upsetting for sure, but considering the alternatives it's not a terrible way to die. I certainly didn't envy Lea Seydoux's endless plummet to the pavement in GP

I'm a straight woman and I'm here to tell you you're full of shit

Only one of the Cusacks has been nominated for an Oscar… and she was nominated twice

Amazing that Addams Family Values wasn't in that list of films in the article above, but I guess it would have to be a long list to include absolutely everything

I know you'll do it again. Nobody's losing sleep wondering what kinds of thoughts you'll be sharing publicly in future.

No, you're still the worst.

I honestly thought Jessa's bohemian lighthouse bedroom was the best