Lux was fourteen

as far as trashy soaps go, I appreciate that Home & Away has higher stakes and better production values. The world of Neighbours is so small and boring and despite the shift to HD it still looks as cheap as it always has

I can tell you think you're being progressive with this comment and yet you still come off as a child molester apologist

It's a shame time travel isn't real so you could use it to go back to 1990 and tell Sinead the right way to protest so we'd never have to be subjected to your nonsense

Was the quote "If you love film so much, why don't you marry it"?

My introduction to this show was while channel flipping, and it happened to be the mushroom farm scene. Fastest fandom conversion ever, i tells ya.

ah yes - the wheel spinning… Hannibal can be so engrossing with it's mood and pacing I find it always manages to capture my attention and 'slow' me down so to speak

I love it, but it's a tough sell… hence why I'm legitimately shocked when people tell me they're glad I recommended it to them

This show is so beautifully made, sometimes I'll put an episode on when I can't sleep which seems like the worst idea in the world. There's something about this world Fuller has created that is horrifying but hypnotic and almost soothing and I can't get enough of it.

"I wish to God that someone would be able to block out the voices in my head for five minutes, the voices that scream, over and over again: "Why do they come to me to die? Why do they come to me to die?"

I really love Wayne's World 2, and this monologue accounts for probably 55% of that love. So bonkers and hilarious/

"'No Mercedes this year Debbie, we have to set an example.' Oh, yeah? Set this!"

Christopher Lloyd can do no wrong in my eyes. I think his Fester's genuine revolting nature is a good fit for the movies since everyone's personalities are considerably darker than they were in the TV show and the comics/cartoons. Wednesday probably had the biggest personality change but was all the better for it.

Watching a Sofia Coppola movie sometimes feels like flipping languidly through an arty lifestyle/photography magazine while listening to punk rock, Marie Antoinette especially. Film is such a visual medium, so I'm often just happy for a movie to look really beautiful even if very little happens

Did you throw in Taxi Driver to be funny or is this just how you are?

You spend a lot of time talking about a movie you've seen a whole ten minutes of

I just wanna give her a big hug

I saw Spring Breakers while really stoned which i thought would be the perfect way to watch it. It was not.

She's been treated for depression before. Also while not knowing all the details, her experiences with her mother growing up as a very young child actor don't sound great. It fits that her best performances are either characters who are emotionally damaged, or when she's doing a goofy impression of a happy person.

when I hear the opening guitar riff on Crazy On You, I swear I can taste the used watermelon chewing gum in my mouth

god damn disqus