Lux was fourteen

I think you'll find the majority of feminists who happen to mesh with 'Not crazy' in that particular venn diagram are appreciative of any men who are concerned with feminism or have bothered listening to anything a woman has said and tried to take it on board. The particular feminist viewpoint expressed in the link

Tarantino's Hateful Eight, maybe?

She went naked for laughs in Bridesmaids - her character drives her car, while naked, past Chris O'Dowd's cop character in order to get his attention

This is the third use of the word 'didactic' in these comments, was that the Word of the Day at everyone's coffee shop or something


I remember her starting out playing characters who were somewhat surly - Good Girl, Elf - I feel like playing a manic pixie in Yes Man was where things changed.

"She's got craaaaabs! It looks like someone spilt an ant farm on the toilet seat"

If anything, Schneider has been over represented

I try not to let my feathers be ruffled too much by female representation issues in entertainment, but Adam Sandler's filmography has consistently been such an egregious example of poor female representation, the mind reels.

I think what's really galling is that there are some women who agree with them, and they are used by these men as case examples of ~being in touch with women's needs~

As a regular dope smoker I'm really perplexed as to why this is such a common complaint. When I'm high with friends we rarely talk about being high - as opposed to when people are drinking and constantly running their mouths off with Drunk Stories.

I read a comment from some jackass who pondered, "What are the women gonna do, NAG the ghosts to death??"

I don't mind the La La Li chorus, though in that last section of the song where the La La Lis go on forever I'm pretty sick of them after the fourth or fifth repeat

FINALLY, a Storm who looks like Storm.

This is the internet, not some Skokie lemonade stand. It requires no more resources or people power to cater to a greater audience, just a little more research


Aniston and Charlie Day were the best things about Horrible Bosses but it was still mediocre and boring.

I know the squirrels are in the book so CANON, but doesn't a golden egg laying goose just make more sense, thematically, for a character like Veruca?

I don't even OWN a million dollars!