
Phil Gringey of Georgia's 11th District? THE FIGHTIN' ELEVENTH. I will miss that.

I hope the Jimmy bit will continue on CBS.

I think he sells it pretty well. Romney could have the same writing staff and not be as winning. Having watched the show, I was impressed how human and genuine he comes off. It's an impressive feat for someone that ordered assassinations of American citizens by joystick.

Hilarious bit, Government!

If this was what I think it was, then I give you a thumbs up.

SPOILERS! I've only watched Broadchurch and the Vicar in that was a really nice tech-savvy fellow.

You had me at "Sloan dressing down…"

I would definitely agree this is not Who Wants to Marry Harry worthy D-, but it was a low point for the show IMHO. The Jim/Maggie romance is not great. Do you remember how touching and fun the Casey/Dana stuff was from Sportsnight? This is just so less than that.

YOU ARE 100% WRONG AND AND and… uh, hm. Huh, whatdya know. Edited. Thanks!

This is a much better match than 2013's WUGAZI, though I admittedly loved that as well.

Leslie Jones' aggro flirty one liners towards Jost seems like it's rehashing the Myers/Stefan romance. It feels shoe horned in.

The twist was that Will's Ghost Dad was a Nazi in Breaking Bad. He was Jason Street's bewheelchaired partner in crime. Quite the utility television actor. Work is work and Sorkin work is also still work.

I'm glad that VEEP's daughter got into a good school. I'm sorry she got raped, but at least she wasn't drugged and kidnapped by a French prince! Sorkiny!

"Queen" is one of those once in a career type songs. It is so perfect. It was especially great seeing it live in Seattle.

They're vegetarian!

Do they take requests? Can they please leak Whiplash?

It was one of the first movies I owned on VHS and I watched it all the time. I didn't know what nuggs were, but imagined them as little nuggets of chocolate.


Are you some kind of stoney crusty dude? Because this review is GREASY.

SHUSH! Shush please!