
Classic O'Neal.

Sick fucking bass drop, brohhhhhh

Just forget who he is when watching the show and try not to think about how pleased he probably is with the critical reception. Because it is a really great show and I'm enjoying it and also find Delaney a terribly unfunny bore.

Too mean!!

She would actually probably like the band Television, ironically.

I hope they tour with Swearin' so I can just stand in the middle of the venue and sing along with every song, cum in my pants, buy an overpriced screen printed shirt, get tacos on the way home, be sad and follow them to the next city where I can do it all over again.

Ghost story? No thank you. Toooooo spooky. Also please no Serials about skellingtons or draculas or frankensteins.

Go on…

A bunch of dumb bums at my work were listening to it and blandly discussing it. I was too busy cracking all my shit up at Hollywood Handbook to give an eff.

I think you're thinking of the classic SNL sketch, Maine Justice

I love Amy's camera take mid conversation. She is the best.

I think my favorite part was Sean has a junebug take over his mind and calls himself Buglord.

They really need some guy to just read the ad copy verbatim. I wish there was someone like that. Maybe he lives in the studio? Maybe his name is Vic?

Ehhh wrong. Their energy is actually really good and they are smart and funny and not rude and not boring.

Like the vibe between Engineer Cody and his butt.

The HH/CBB crossover had me bussin' up. I loffed and loffed and loffed. When Sean said Buglord, I cracked all of my shit up and sure enough loffed all my butt off.


In the Navy currently, can confirm some Sailors do bang each other and on one another.

I'd pay for Springsteen to release on me.

This is high quality newswire post.