
how can i unfollow these Esposito columns? do I just not click on them?

These are for you, McNulty.

did anyone else find Robyn super hot in this episode? Jeeeezus.

Cleary is my sprit animal.

No, they didn't. It clearly states they are reviewing Gotham Season 1 at the top of the review and then in italics at the bottom it says "one episode watched for review." They'll put an actual review for the pilot after it airs. Now shut the fuck up while the adults are talking.

can someone explain the reason to give an entire first season grade based on the pilot? why not just review, you know, the pilot?

They seem pretty sold to me!

I actually know both faces. She deploys them pretty regularly, especially the gummy squint. For me, she was the harbinger of mediocrity on The West Wing.

I just hate how smug she makes every character.

I really hope she brings that deadpan nasal delivery to this prestige drama!

Did anyone else read this article in the escalating delivery of "Admit It!"? That almost makes the article interesting and readable. JUST KIDDING. As Bemis would say, it's still the worst.

There's a radio station in LA called KROQ?!?!?!?? TELL US FLYOVER BUMBKINS MORE ABOUT YOUR COASTAL PARADISE!!!!!!!!

Agreed this reviewer seems to not know what's going on.

At first I thought he was making a snack or something, but this seems to fit better.

I think the reviewer did seem to think it was Gallinger's wife that dropped off the baby, but there's just no way.

I'm not sure, but I think the Coney Island reference was about how it's fun to ride a roller coaster once, but makes you sick if you're constantly on it. I don't think Thack was saying the chaos in their life was solely going to an amusement park.

I agreeā€¦

Goebble garble?

Oh just like 6 million in a number?

Nudnik please.