
And when Thackeray knocks somebody out, he gonna knock him out with white boots on his feet!

Oh Nate. This show is brilliant, but when the inevitable backlash comes for you, remember you can always go to Jazz Jazz's barber shop in Queens and whisper jokes and movie plot summaries into customer's ears.

That chest tat…

what i said was also a Maritza quote.

good thing you're pretty.

Fuck you and the Sarah Jessica Parker you came in on.

baby, you gotta crisis going.

that moment has really stayed with me. it was a truly wrenching dramatic extreme.

so i think i finally have my girlfriend hooked! we watched episode 3 & 4 this weekend and she's appropriately riveted. she keeps saying "i like this show!" almost as if it surprised her (our last venture into getting into a TV show i like was GoT and she was just monumentally bored by it).

My girlfriend never watched the pilot and always assumed LOST was a Survivor type reality show. It was pretty amazing watching the pilot through her eyes.

Solid Capt Sully reference.

So excited for this coverage. It's a perfect way to get my girlfriend (9 years my junior) to get into the show.

Me? Cal Tran? Being brought up in a GoT comments section?

Though he seems rather vague about where whores go.

JJs Diner always looked pretty good. D

i thought the same thing! in the book they make mention of sigorn's widow's peak, so in the book they have hair and are less albino cave creature cannibals.

god, the thenns are so much more terrifying than i could have possibly thought.

i'm just thinking of the one guy that had sex with his sister in a funeral parlor watching that scene and being like, "I'M NORMAL!!!!!"

i really want to see jeff get together with either annie or britta, but then i don't want to see the ensuing episodes deal with their relationship.

penny for your thoughts?