Sir Longstaff of Sluttingshire

The new Pynchon.  Maybe the new Cohen Bros, but I'll admit that the NYC folk scene is a zero fucks given zone for me.  Breaking Bad, of course.

Well, if you really want to know, she abandoned the family, became a drug addict and then killed herself.

Thank you for applying reason to this ridiculous argument.

Wow, that cast guarantees that I'll never even be able to make it through the trailer for this one.


"Anna Gunn, whose acting skills he compared to Meryl Streep's."

I guess so.  I still think a good film could be made out of The Call of Cthulhu (yes, I'm aware of the silent indie).  The name "Cthulhu" is recognized a lot in pop culture, even if most don't exactly know its origin.

The idea is not to be faithful to the story but to the mood and tone that Lovecraft sets.  The story itself reads like an essay and doesn't have much Hollywood narrative.  The screenplay will have to be essentially written from scratch.

It shouldn't be so hard to get funding for a Lovecraft film.  In fact it should be the easiest thing in the world.  Horror movies are all the rage, and Lovecraft's cosmic monsters are just right for big-budget CGI spectacle that audiences demand.

Yeah, I don't understand the free pass this movie is getting here.  Del Toro is a decent director but he still essentially made Transformers 7.

Pictured above:  The members of Rush smirk contentedly after finding some great deals at JC Penny Rack.

Jesus Christ, just shut the fuck up.

Do people still find Blohan attractive?  In that picture above she looks like a run-of-the-mill late-40's plastic surgery casualty.

I recently got my hands on an excerpt from Easton Ellis' upcoming novel "Chasm of the Abyss".

I hope you know I'm like a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw

Curious why you think this.  Have you seen the film?  Is it any good?  I'll admit to being interested before the reviews came in, but then I'm a sucker for Westerns.

She's heard of the Bachstreet Boys, my oft-ignored classical/dance-pop fusion band!  Things are finally going my way.

It's that show that was inspired by Family Guy.

Started reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra.  Couldn't find anything playing at the cinema that I was interested in.  Listened to Mozart's Requiem and Rachmaninoff's Isle of the Dead.  That's about it.

That's a stern assessment. Take a bow.