Sir Longstaff of Sluttingshire


Somewhere between Peter North and Nina Hartley maybe?  Or is Serling more of a "giver" than a taker?

I chortled.

TZ is one of my favorite shows and I often daydream about how I would produce/direct a modern feature film version.  Ideally, it would be a black and white anthology film set in the present day with a CGI Rod Serling opening each segment.  And each segment would have a different director.

I'm reading Essays too.  Also plan on Homage to Catalonia soon.

So is 2013 going down in history as the worst Summer movie season ever?  There hasn't been a single wide release that piqued my interest enough to buy a ticket.  I did almost see the Lone Ranger but decided against it.

Don't forget Central CT, otherwise known as the Dead Zone.

Wait, what? I had no idea this took place in CT.

Stealing comedy from Patrice O'Neal is like stealing fake Oakleys from a streetside bodega.

One thing I wish I could see in my lifetime is a faithful adaptation of the Jungle Book, animated or live action.  Not a Disneyfied PC version, just pure Kipling visualized.

My child read your comment and is now traumatized and catatonic.  Thanks a lot, asshole.

I have an awesome tagline for this trailer:

Did they actually follow through on the whole "Sherlock is gay" angle?  Never watched past the first season.

Nope, this was my first dip into Nietzscheian waters.  I would assume Beyond Good and Evil is required reading.

Finished reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra and started the Sound and the Fury.  Will start HL Mencken's Prejudices soon.

Never trust an Albanian.

Yes, because its still just an excuse to make another fucking zombie movie.  And it really isn't all that funny.  I do like Hot Fuzz.

That was brilliant.  I honestly can't wait for the next installment.

Exactly.  In Avatar, everything plays out exactly the way you expect it to.  There are no surprises, no shocks, no flipping the script, no sudden narrative jolts.  And that is what most people want when they go to a movie, and if they don't get that then they will terrorize the IMDB boards with posts like "Ther Was No

Fucking zombies.  I'll tell you a cool story bro: whenever I hear that something has zombies in it I go out of my way to never watch, read or hear it.  Zombies are the laziest, most boring plot device and I hate them.  Fuck The Walking Dead.  Fuck Shaun of the Dead.  Fuck World War Z, fuck Cockneys vs Zombies, fuck