Sir Longstaff of Sluttingshire

Alice Eve is a very attractive woman that I would unhesitatingly engage in sexual relations with, and I also respect her as a person or whatever.

Jeremy Renner looks like a lesbian.  But then they all look the same to me.

My favorite Altman, and I like a lot of his films.  It is a very strange and dense movie.

It means it was filmed in super-wide, or 2:35:1 aspect ratio.



*polite clap*

The Spy Who Loved Meat

Yeah he really did look 5' 7ish in that.  I always thought the short claims were overblown and that he was an average height guy.  Apparently not.

so you would bang?

Just donated my life savings.

you mean you don't freak, yeeeah?

*gives Spice Weasel the Red Light Special all through the night*

I'm a man that reads Jane Austen and I'm also not gay.  I approve of this decision.

Oh I get it.  "If you have to ask, you must be a racist".  I can't win!

MacGruber is a national treasure.  Funny as fuck.

Serious question, how does a white person in North America prove they aren't a racist?  Do they just have to never speak of anything that could potentially be twisted into a racial issue?  Is there some kind of animal sacrifice that needs to be carried out? 

I've never heard of this "Community" show.  I guess the AV Club never paid it much attention before.

My favorite line of dialogue in a movie is when Bill Murray says "I've killed myself so many times."  Never fails to make me bust out laughing.

Well said.