Sir Longstaff of Sluttingshire

Can somebody recommend me a shining example of an "ugly rapefest" so I can immediately add it to my Netflix queue?

She looks like she smells of cheap perfume, screams obnoxiously loud into her pay-as-you-go cell phone, and loves to get WIIIILD on Friday nights at the Applebees bar.

Robinson Crusoe - a novel about a sailor who gets shipwrecked on an uninhabited island.  Based on the television series Lost.

I didn't realize cinema auteur Fred Durst was also a musician. 

I wish you could see how concerned I look right now.

Haha awesome.  Bruce Willis is awesome.

Fiona Apple used to be a hard eight.  Would bang and boogie all night.


Lawrence Cornelia is great, dafuq you talkin about


From Left to Right: would not bang, would not bang, would bang, would bang, would bang, would bang, would not bang, would bang, would bang, would bang. would not bang

Soylent Green

Victim group is very concerned.  World keeps turning.


Actually, I relate a lot more to Fight Club at age 29 then I did at 17, especially after being exposed to the slowburn Hell that is the white-collar young "professional" career life.

What's funny is that Drake legitimately looks fucking retarded.  Seriously, does he have Downs?

I agree, I just find all the snark worship here annoying.

So what's everybody's opinion of The Dissolve?  I think its pretty decent when Rabin isn't allowed to come in and shit up the place.  I especially like the "Last Great Movie I Saw" feature.

It could be that you're so used to violently masturbating into O'Neal's socks that you've forgotten what genuine interest and excitement in an artistic project looks like.

I just want to say that "I Have Forgiven Jesus" is one of my favorite pop songs ever.  Perfection.