Sir Longstaff of Sluttingshire

"I come to this site and I think I'm surrounded by ostensibly smart, cool, perceptive people"

I'm a sexist asshole and your wife makes time for me when you're not around.

“Ain’t we all just Japanese when we’re high (on love)”

I'm convinced that nobody on the AV Club actually knows what the word "misogynist" means.

Seems like a perfectly reasonable response.  I take the same approach when my girlfriend asks me even one annoying question.

And thanks to CancerAIDS, your last breath! 

Zimmerman should just change his last name to Benghazi.  The media will immediately get off his back.

IMDB tells me that Inside Man 2 has been announced.  Dafuq?

You didn't even mention Sleeper.

Of course he's one of the greatest.  I'm arguing that his potential hasn't been realized.

is avengers the one with the guy

I wish Woody would adopt a less workmanlike approach to filmmaking.  He needs to drill down and really focus on making a great movie.  Not that I don't like his recent output for the most part, but his talent seems underutilized.  He's a great director who could join the ranks of Kubrick and Lynch if he just slowed

He had a great career.  Not many actors get the chance to work alongside Tim Allen.

did you kno that if u combine hand sanitizer an hand soap it cawses assplosion


The Hunger Games 2: Brunch

I really hope you're right, Mr. Sluggo.  I really do.

This is the sort of film Snyder was born to make.

Drummers get all the fly holographic pussy.

would not bang