
You obviously haven't seen Strike Back so you just should just shut the fuck up.  Why bother to comment on a show you have never watched?    If you are curious check out Alan Septinwall's review   http://www.hitfix.com/whats…

Why does this guy have his own show?   Is the show trying to be like  Showtime's superior  Episodes?   HBO needs to go back to the drawing board because this show is just not funny or interesting.

this show flat out sucks.   it might be interesting if the terrorists killed Brody's family.  I'll take the criminally underrated Strike Back over this soap opera every day of the week.

So Dontell is obviously Warren Sapp. If only something like this would happen in real life to the insufferable Sapp

these shitbags got lucky with Breaking Bad & Mad Men when other stations passed on them. AMC develops shit.   If the rumors are true, Netflix will be buying time and immediately bury the AMC executives here:

I'm urging my cable company to pull AMC after Breaking Bad ends.  .001 cents is what the channel is worth in carrier fees 

maybe when netflix finally buys AMC, we'll see an end to this shit

this is what happens when two stars eat up most of your budget

I assume that Saul will be arrested next episode by the police after Skylar reveals his role.  it seems plausible that they he would look to set up Walt. but I think its likely that the Nazis take him out before he talks.  He's the only person aside from Lydia left that can connect the police to them.    Skylar might

Mike was Sauls' private investigator.  I don't think Mike even worked for Gus for that long.  Mike originally knew Victor who worked directly for Gus.  I think Mike was only hired by Gus after the super lab was built and set up by Gale.

I watched Luther last month and it was great!  Alice is the best

I know its an unlikely theory but it would work well into the story.   It's possible there may be some meth left in the garage they were using with Mike.    The other possibility is that Badger may have some or that Jesse just steals it from Todd & his crew.  

its most likely gasoline but methylamine would be a nice twist.  it would explain the condition of Walt's house in the flash forward

We know that Walt's house doesn't get burned to the ground and as a result it seems kind of anticlimatic  to see the episode end with Jesse dousing the house with gasoline.   I think using meth would work much better in the story.  It poisons Walt's home just how Walt poisons everything and everybody he comes near.

i was waiting for him to ask if they wanted to hear the specials.   "Not if you want to keep your spleen"

i think Jesse still has access to some or knows where to get some.   i would love to see Walt Jr see Jesse and get scared.  He'd then call Uncle Hank to come over

I think its methylamine that Jesse is using and not gasoline.   He's effectively poisoning Walt's family just as Walt  poisoned his family.   We know that the house doesn't burn down but it could be contaminated.

i think its time for Hank to go back and start thinking of  people he can get to help him.   I'd start with Badger, head over to Pollos and talk with the manager, and then talk to Andrea.

Walt Jr did read that book that Hank gave him about the real "heroes" of the drug war.

I thought the same.  it would have been more believable if he passed out while digging the hole.