
This was a prettygood episode but I refuse to believe Shaggydog is dead. That wolf's (small) head was a pretty good fake out, but let's not forget that the Umbers are true Stark loyalists. I also can't imagine Umber being so rude to Ramsey if he wasn't going to betray him. I'm of the mind that Shaggy is

I'm 40 and even though his best days are behind him, let's not throw away this guys accomplishments. i mean who the hell doesn't like the first City Slickers?
I also love Forget Paris, an underrated gem with one of my fav scenes.

I dunno, seems like the Lannisters and Tyrells fates are bound together. The only way for that alliance to end is with the death of Tommen or Margery. Highgarden's only goal is for Margery to be queen and for them to have a seat on the small council.
Highgarden already struck out with Renly and there really are no

Good point, but i always got the sense that the Greyjoys weren't interested in aligning with anyone. They have some type of inferiority complex that can only be cured by conquering Westeros.

I did enjoy the shock of Doran's death, but the death of Trystane felt kind of haphazard. It's odd to me that everyone on that ship wasn't already detained in the Red Keep.

My expectations were pretty high but this episode disappoints a bit. I'll start with the clusterfuck known as Dorne. I almost don’t get why they blame the lannisters for Oberwyn dying. He fucking volunteered to fight the Mountain. It also would have made more sense to keep Trystane alive and as a hostage and

Damn you for reminding me of that insufferable snot! Why can't they all be like the Stark kids!

I honestly have not liked any Walking Dead episode this much since the First season.
How can anyone not love that little kid dying instead of us being tormented by another Sophia storyline or those awful little girls from last season?. It's like the writers decided to stop with the bullshit and move the story ahead.

That's fair but I have a high bar for this show so maybe my expectations were a little unrealistic. I just feel like the writers need to decide where they want to take this show. To me, it just seems very predictable and ordinary which is the complete opposite of what i expect from the writers

I enjoyed the episode except for the predictability of Siobhans death. i think most of knew she didn't have much time left after she learned Hood's secret, but the show still did a good job with the emotional element for Hood. i thought it was maybe Anthony Starr's strongest episode of the series.

I liked the episode but is was a bit disappointing compared to the books and the Blackwater episode. I feel like we've spent too much time away from the Wall this season and I know some non book readers who have no idea why the wildlings are attacking. I'm concerned moving forward with the addition of so many new

i think Lockhart won't be confirmed as head of the CIA. Saul and Dar will find evidence that Lockhart is connected to the shady law firm that represents the Iranians. I think the Senator either worked there or the law firm has been a major contributor to Lockhart in the past.

I'm wondering what the Over/Under is going to be on Kenny's credit card bill. I would guess conservatively about $400,000.00

I'm pretty sure that Madison is not the supreme. I think the whole point of the opening scene foreshadows this. A witch can have multiple powers and still not be the supreme. My money is on Misty or Zoe

Thats funny. Bettman is the primary reason for hockey's decline in the US. I grew up in the 80s when hockey was just as big as the NBA. I know David stern had Michael Jordan and built a billion dollar empire with the help of NBC. Bettman though had Gretzky and couldn't do anything. The strikes that followed only

I agree that the documentary could have been better but it's still a great story. I would have liked to have seen more about the frauds that occurred afterward with the Sabres and Nashville. I don't know how Gary Bettman, the commissioner still has a job. Also, Connolly should have skipped the narration and

Reminds me of Jerry McGuire, " it'd take a tank to
stop your dad. It would take all
five Super Trooper VR Warriors,
right"     That being said, nothing will change.  NFL is a huge business that continues to grow.    They might limit practices and

should be good.  I really love  the locale of new orleans this year

i assume Lily Rabe will be the new supreme to rival Jessica Lange

i thought frank was just going to pull out his gun at the end and shoot the robber