
I wonder how long it's gong to be before Walt Jr starts noticing the
absent of Uncle Hank.  I wonder if Hank will get so desperate that he
will eventually turn to Walt Jr for assistance.  it seems unlikely, but Junior will have a part to play in this.

I don't know why Walt would bury all the Money in one spot.  It's kind of absurd that he wouldn't spread it out to different locations or at least leave a little with Saul.    The lotto ticket on the fridge is kind of dumb too.  Why not leave the ticket in the crawl space or roll it like a joint and  put it with the

i wonder if he's required to wear that bowler hat he mysteriously wears throughout Capt America.

that was a great movie.  Even better than Highlander

I'll know how he feels when the show ends.

"If you don't know who I am, maybe your best course would be to tread lightly."

It just doesn't seem logical that he would hang around New Mexico and stay in the same house after his last encounter with Walt.   I rather would have seen him contemplating killing Todd or attempting a new life in a city instead of inertia. 

Great episode, but I don't understand why Jessie just doesn't leave town already.   I know he feels guilty about the dead kid and is depressed, but anyone else would have gotten out of Dodge.   In the finale before this episode, Jessie was terrified of Walt and you would assume he would have left town after their last

Fucking disgraceful Justified wasn't nominated.  Best show on tv.

i love how Dexter now has a "kill list" from Vogel like Sylar had in Heroes.

i thought it was the best episode of the season so far though i find it unbelievable on how many people are fucking with Ben Diamond.   I like Ike's plan but he's tied to Ben regardless of how his plans work out.   It's even more  of a surprise that Lily has been stealing from Ben.  I get it that she's scared and

that makes sense.   thanks for your input

I knew he was a uniformed cop when he found Dexter but its kind of disappointing that he stayed a uniformed cop.  I think Harry dies when Dex is 15 or 16, but Dex is 10 years old in the "new" videos.    Maybe Harry wasn't too smart after all if he couldn't make detective or perhaps he wasn't that ambitious like Quinn.

What's with Harry being a uniformed cop?  I thought he eventually made detective.

I bing watched it and enjoyed it.  The parallels to Alias are uncanny.   I hope they can maintain the mystery for Season 2, but I'm concerned it may get too cartoonish like Alias did in later seasons.    The acting was great too with the exception of the guy who played Art.

He's done at SC&P.  His meltdown in the meeting with Hersheys will spread like Wildfire.   I think he'll be back in LA starting Dick Whitman & associates.

Can they just kill Tara already!    She's worse than that shit demon storyline they had last year with Terri.

I don't really want François Arnaud on Thrones.  I didn't
consider his performance that remarkable.  The only one i'd want to see
is Michelleto.  He would be great as Jon Connington

i thought that was a good scene.  I've been in plenty of meetings where stupid shit like that happens.  It's really all about Ego.  The person (Don) thinks they can get their way in any situation and are only focused on what they want.   Those people do not really care what's going on at the particular moment other

I think Balon's done in the premiere.  I think we saw his "murderer" too in this episode.  The Faceless Man!