
Bob Benson news:  Weiner responds

The immortal Bill Hicks on books:

So Dan Draper is now Kevin Finnerty?

Hugo Jarry - Yankton's man from Deadwood.  

This season is kind of disappointing compared to last season.  I don't know what it is, but it's becoming more difficult for me to remain interested in this show.   I think the problem is that I do not really like any single character.   I've rooted for many flawed and evil characters in the previous shows, but I'm

i think he's always been much more recognized by fans in the UK than in the US.   I'm a fan of a number of great guitarists and it always seems May never makes it into the conversation.   Some of his live stuff especially, Keep yourself Alive are just awesome.  Lots of good live stuff on Spotify

Brian May is ridiculously underrated.

i feel like the reviewers here have to point out irrelevant and tedious
stuff just so they can try to make themselves unique in a web filled
with hundreds of reviews of this show.   I

Where are my Wolves?!!!    I'm afraid the only wolf we'll see the rest of the season is that of Grey Wind after the RW.

Fucking ridiculous to spend all that time writing about nudity. Maybe you can a PG version sent to you by HBO.

steve carrel looked miserable.  he couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.

I just saw that on Atlantic.com  I don't think it'll happen but it's pretty interesting if it does

I think I may have missed this here but there's some weird theory out there that Talisa is really a Lannister agent.   I thought it was pretty unlikely until I saw this video

I think the Jon Snow stuff would be more powerful if we saw Mance Ryder more.   I didn't think we needed the Orell scenes.

I was of the sick few who didn't mind  the Theon torture scenes in the
books, but it's really not essential to the story at this point.  I
think there are better ways to build up Ramsay's depravity than showing
him torture Theon every episode for this season.    I think the show
needs to figure out how to develop

This was the weakest episode of the season.  There was too much of Theon and too much of Jon Snow.  It's hard to fathom why we couldn't get more substance in this episode with only 10 episodes a season.  I don't know why we're not getting more Mance Ryder or even the wolves.   Bran's story has also suffered and is

They're definitely setting up for a Gendry/Arya wedding for the 7th book or last season.   I think Gendry will be legitimized as Robert's son and will be the only male Baratheon left.     Robert's son marries Ned's daughter as Robert originally intended.   We'll see in 6 years if I'm right..

it seemed to work out real well for guys like Elway and Eli Manning who refuse to play for the team with the #1 pick.  I think if i had that kind of talent, I would do the same thing.

Kill Bill 2:  I'd pay money to Kickstarter for  a Pai-Mei  prequel of him kicking the shit out of everyone treating them like dogs while flipping his beard.