
There are a lot of songs in which I prefer the live version.   The Rain Song stands out the most for me along with Stray Cat Blues as two live songs that blow away the studio versions

i don't think too highly of Rolling Stone's greatest list of songs and albums.  that being said, i have to agree with Paul only having 1 song on the list.

I like the version on "Last Flight"   Paul's" Back in the US" version is also pretty good.

That about sums up the last season of Heroes.  There's also Sylar getting in touch with his feminine side.     My guess is that they'll try to reboot it with new characters with some cameos from Noah Bennett

Indeed. He is actually kind of similar to the people he often rants against.  Both deal in absolutes and leave little room for any sort of compromise.  

The first season was amazing but it all went downhill in Season 2.  The writers strike really hurt them in Season 2, but the whole Peter in Ireland storyline was ridiculous.  It's also a travesty what they did with Hiro, making his character bad comic relief.  I won't even get into how horrible the carnival was the

i dont know if he's a spy, but he seems destined to take over for Pete when he finally breaks down.

I liked the dinner scene with Don & Sylvia.  It was pretty similar to that scene in Out of Sight when Clooney meets Jennifer Lopez in the bar and cuts between the bar and the hotel room

I'll gladly pony up Money for the best show ever.    According to Jim Beaver, they actually came close last year to getting the movies off the ground, but the cocksuckers who run HBO scrapped the idea.   I'd love to feed those bastards to Wu's pigs.  Anyway, here's the quote from Beaver from an interview he game last

Anyone watch that Nat Geo 80's special?  I dvred it late night and it's running some more episodes tonight.  Did anyone watch it?  Good?

How about Tony Soprano's peyote trip in Vegas?

My favorite scene in the whole series is Season 1 when Spartacus fights Glabers men in the Ludus with the wooden sword after Glaber  questions Batiatus on Spartacus' skill

Deknight on Caesar spin-off from interview at TV Guide

i can't believe they did Gannicus like that.  At least they finally killed Naeevia. Good episode overall but seemed like I was watching  Maximus from Gladiator more than I was watching Spartacus die.  The first season was by the far the best, but the producers did a good job overcoming the loss of Andy Whitfeld.  I'm

Looks like shit on a stick too.  I'm hesitant to invest time in any starz series after suffering through some episodes of Camelot.  I will tune in if they do the Caesar spin off from Spartacus

Gannicus better make it out alive so that he can be in the next Avengers movie.

I listen to a lot of rap and understand all about boasting, but it's pretty much all Jay - z does these days.  His act and rhymes are tired and really just plain boring to me.   He once called himself Sinatra and now he's Bob Dylan.  We get it that you're successful, but please rap about something else or just shut up.

He's redoing Just like a Woman  to Bleeds Just like a Bitch

Most overrated Rapper of all time.  Every song is about how great he is.  I think 1 out of every 25 songs he releases is decent.

Louis DePalma and Carl from Cheers are basically the same character.  I enjoyed both shows but Taxi was better.  Nothing beats Louis's high school reunion.