
The ending was kind of disappointing.   I felt like the last few episodes were just filler and that they got rid of Arden and the Devil too quickly.  I would have liked to have seen more of the Aliens too.   I was hoping for a Devil v Alien battle earlier in the season, but guess it wasn't meant to be.

I understand that budget restrictions make this movie a better option than Rome & Deadwood but I'm still not happy about it.   HBO spends a lot of money on Thrones & Boardwalk and they could probably do Rome or Deadwood if they really wanted to.  I'm just eternally bitter about the loss of those two shows.

They can make this crap but not Deadwood or Rome?  

That bad??  I haven't watched it yet but the grade is kind of disappointing.

Scary Movie is very funny

That was one of the strangest comments I've seen.  Who doesn't want to see more of a hot chick semi nude?  Maybe there should be a separate gay review for this show.



I loved the Deadwood music in the opening scene

She should star in a female reboot of OZ.  I think she's still the most popular pin up in prisons

Easy E was gay??  Didn't he have like 8 kids with 7 women or something? 

ill take the Tupac hologram over Kanye

i didnt care for the musical number.  they should leave that stuff for Glee.  I've
enjoyed the season but thought the episode was a bit clumsy.  I thought
they got rid of the Doctor Arden and the Devil a little too hastily.  It's
like they decided they wanted to end some of the stories and focus on
only a few of them

i had to watch it again. It had been too long

i had to watch it again. It had been too long

"'m a pretty radical democrat, but I had so much respect for McCain- and
even read a book he wrote AND liked it- until 2008. I do think his
"transformation" was motivated by pressure from the party though, and
still consider him a good guy."

"'m a pretty radical democrat, but I had so much respect for McCain- and
even read a book he wrote AND liked it- until 2008. I do think his
"transformation" was motivated by pressure from the party though, and
still consider him a good guy."

I never considering the vendetta angle. I've always liked Stripe the best too

I never considering the vendetta angle. I've always liked Stripe the best too

is HipsterDBag's evil twin.  "in NYC where I live" is what did it for me.