
is HipsterDBag's evil twin.  "in NYC where I live" is what did it for me.

Keep believing everything you read.  I seek the truth instead of media bullshit.   You can knock my opinions, my typing and formatting but it doesn't change anything except maybe you feeling better about your shitty life.

Keep believing everything you read.  I seek the truth instead of media bullshit.   You can knock my opinions, my typing and formatting but it doesn't change anything except maybe you feeling better about your shitty life.

My favorite gremlin is the one who kills Mrs Deagle.  Deagle, Deagle, Deagle

My favorite gremlin is the one who kills Mrs Deagle.  Deagle, Deagle, Deagle

The State Dept led by Hillary Clinton repeatedly ignored requests to beef up embassy security.    People in the state dept have either resigned or been put on leave because of the Benghazi report.  Read CNN today.  The motive was protecting a president during an election

The State Dept led by Hillary Clinton repeatedly ignored requests to beef up embassy security.    People in the state dept have either resigned or been put on leave because of the Benghazi report.  Read CNN today.  The motive was protecting a president during an election

Well said, pretty much my sentiments

Well said, pretty much my sentiments

the it is a cover up.   Wake up to reality.  When's Hillary going to testify?

the it is a cover up.   Wake up to reality.  When's Hillary going to testify?

I'm probably one of the few Republicans on the site.  I voted for McCain in 2000 primary.  He's not the same guy that he was.  Bush & Karl Rowe dragged him through the mud to win the primary and he's changed a lot since then.   I think losing in 2008 made him pretty bitter, but he had  zero chance to beat Obama with

I'm probably one of the few Republicans on the site.  I voted for McCain in 2000 primary.  He's not the same guy that he was.  Bush & Karl Rowe dragged him through the mud to win the primary and he's changed a lot since then.   I think losing in 2008 made him pretty bitter, but he had  zero chance to beat Obama with

Susan Rice was either incompetent or a liar.  She was either in on it or was too dumb to see what was going on.

Susan Rice was either incompetent or a liar.  She was either in on it or was too dumb to see what was going on.

Nightmare at 20000 feet should be scary good. 

Nightmare at 20000 feet should be scary good. 

People who watch Fight Club will know.

People who watch Fight Club will know.

You should clean the shit out of your eyes if you think Leslie Mann is hotter than Megan Fox.