The Mighty Fish

In defense of the OP and in response to this point, yeah there are definitely people who have those names that are "white" but I think more importantly, someone named "Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada" is probably not going to be treated like a white person in America.

"Spike Jonze really is a genius!"

The Defiant Ones, ALSO starring Sidney Poitier and Whoopi Goldberg.

Speaking as someone involved in the UT system, I really wish the stories that were making headlines were different. Not that AV Club should be covering them, but the bigger outlets who also ran this story. Consider:

I think it's helped that it's a very dark story with themes that border on nihilism, which is apparently the story Zack Snyder can't orgasm without telling.

I really liked the Zack Snyder movie. I apologize for nothing.

I guess that means just about everyone is Better than Ezra now.

Rip Torn?

I'd dispute this. Vape smoke will not peel the paint from your walls like cigarette smoke will, I'll give you that, but cigarette smokers I know are at least community conscious enough to leave the inside of buildings or homes to smoke, whereas vapers I know don't give a shit and will seek out new, inappropriate

This movie is not without its merits but its almost painfully serious and Flatliners at least has some goofy fun to it with angry Keifer Sutherland as a scientist

Incorrect; there are no lawyers in heaven.

My red state provides free tuition to community college and occupational training, and under a Republican governor and legislature no less. It's something, at least.

I thought all the gun nuts were in Northern California?

Not to get too partisan here, and the Democrats share a not-insignificant brunt of the blame, but generally speaking . . . "[the Republicans didn't] g[i]ve enough of a shit to do anything about it."

I know what you mean. Having known suicidal people in their suicidal times, I find it extremely difficult to not make accusations of selfishness. I just tend to think about it in terms of telling someone "I told you so": you've definitely got a point, but it's not helpful to say and it's improper to boil it down to

Well, the good news is that your state is absolutely beautiful and it looks better by comparison with South Carolina sitting right there.

That's probably true. Especially since his (and everyone else of that ilk's) older videos are lousy with misogyny and homphobia.

That sucks. I used to be really into his stuff, back when he actually . . . produced content. But now that he's been publicly revealed to be such an asshole, his old stuff is completely tainted.

I'll second this, since Rip Torn basically played Dick Cheney before Cheney was VP in "Canadian Bacon"

We here in the South already perfected that for you, it's called "kin", as in, "That boy's kin to me, kin to my wife, kin to damn near everyone around here."