The Mighty Fish

Looks more like Paul Giamatti to me

Ha! I agree. I don't see Hank voting for Hillary but he definitely wouldn't vote for a New Yorker who curses on television, insulted John McCain's war record, and broadly speaking "ain't right".

You know from looking at him that Jesse Waters told on his classmates to teachers in elementary school at every given opportunity

I would be cautiously optimistic if this happened but I can't help but think that we're going to have to open up the "would Hank support Trump" can of worms at some point


The Romans did that a lot as well — if you believe certain accounts, the Romans set the record for "largest battle in antiquity" several times over, but they exaggerated numbers by an extra figure often.

Do they have a clause in Rob Schneider's contract that would allow them to cancel his show but keep the money he uses to produce it and use that money to make other, better shows?

Master of None?

Not to mention the fact that part of the reason it didn't take off during its first season were all the reviews (like the one on this website, cough cough) that only talked about the first three episodes and basically said the show was a lost cause.

The idea of Trey Gowdy getting upset about other people rushing to judgement is one of the most deliciously hypocritical things I've ever heard.

How has no one said Vectorman yet?

Comparatively speaking . . .

I'm very aware people use it, sure. People can call themselves whatever they want. What I disagree with is the way it's become the agreed-upon descriptor for so many different groups in mainstream culture.

Ha, you must not live where I live then. Trust me, it's still got a healthy life as a slur.

This is tangential obviously but Christ I really can't stand how often "queer" gets stapled onto things as a modifier these days. It's a slur and it overly simplifies the many, many layers of the LGBT community.

Now, if only a Uber driver would build an entire Outrun cabinet into the backseat of their car, so I can take a much more entertaining drive while I ride.

Quvenzhané Wallis

After seeing Emilia Clarke in action cinema, specifically "Terminator: Genisys", I'm not so sure you should pin your hopes on her being entertaining in the role.

Alternate universe John Hughes went that direction instead of . . . that other direction. The "Baby's Day Out", "Maid in Manhattan" direction.

It can be two things.