The Mighty Fish

Post The State but pre Stella?

I'm sure you meant to say "pleasure of mine" but I actually really like "pleasure of mind"

Was there more to the Spoony thing beyond making stupid rape jokes on Twitter?

I was about to say that at least sounds pretty benign, but I don't want to make any assumptions. Especially since a no-holds-barred screaming match / fist fight over the coconut milk in curry question sounds kind of hilarious in theory.

I can sympathize. For me, football is something I can talk about with my dad, so I always look forward to football season. It's much better than our repeated "what's the best Clint Eastwood movie?" conversation* and the "what's on Fox News today" report.

If I do the math right, I was eleven when this movie came out. I clearly remember seeing ads for it over and over on ABC's Saturday morning programming, in between episodes of Filmore! and Strange Days at Blake Holesy High. And from the ads, the movie looked like great fun! Two guys get lost in the desert with a

That would be a really fun exercise but I think it would be prohibitively difficult to try to decide what stays and what goes. Obviously the first five things you listed go, no doubt. But Josie turning into a knob? That's a Killer BOB appearance. And by "essential stuff" I assume you mean the Laura Palmer / BOB

The biggest problem with playing that way is that if your character acts like that, you still have to be the person who saves the galaxy. And, if you want to actually access the content of the games, you have to do all the sidequests, even though a true Renegade probably wouldn't have anything to do with all that mess.

I think part of the problem is that she's an archaeologist fascinated with past civilizations. It really feels like Bioware wanted to do a "Liara 2.0" that would have more sex appeal, be more physically differentiated from other Asari, and have a funnier personality. But it's such an obvious ploy that it doesn't do

It really seems like they've come full circle in a way. ME 2 and 3 had fine inventory systems as a response to ME 1's inventory system, which is incredibly simple and ridiculously frustrating since you get gear shoveled into your inventory every ten seconds and melting down the gear is cumbersome and impossible to do

Unfortunately, that's the case for absolutely every AAA game these days. We only pre-ordered Andromeda in my house so we could have it first thing and were willing to go through whatever was going to come next as fans of the franchise. But unless you're willing to take that plunge and consign yourself to the bugs and

Long load times have been my biggest problem. However, those load times are soooooooo very long. I've had a few objectives that end up being bugged and rendered uncompleteable, but a reload has fixed those every time. It's definitely annoying, but in comparison to the vast majority of open world games — AC: Unity, any

It's a new variation of vaporwave

Definitely did not see that last twist coming.

I heard a clip recently where Justin made a pretty unfortunate joke about marrying children (in the "getting married in a McDonald's playplace" bit) but like you said they do apologize for stuff, like in the Adventure Zone, Griffin for [light spoiler] engaging in some light Bury Your Gays material. Which is definitely

The second episode was way more interesting to me. I dig the small-town aesthetic, which reminded me of Rectify in a good way. Especially when mixed with the fantastical stuff and flashbacks. I just thought the mythology felt like a weird combination of impenetrable and predictable, from what I saw. But I hadn't heard

Reminds me of the Tomi Lahren / Trevor Noah interview, which (IMO) did basically exactly what you suggested and was pretty roundly applauded.

Some people have tapes floating around talking about how the grab women by the pussy, I've heard . . .

What did Jason Segel do to you?

I wasn't crazy about the first two episodes but I feel the same way as fans of this show do about Sens8 so I'll try to give it another whirl.