The Mighty Fish

Exactly. And, of course, the "voter fraud!!!" chant has a strong link to it this idea as well, since while I'd say it really truly originated this cycle from Trump's massive ego, the Republicans have shown that their feckless and cowardly enough to run with it.

He also held Trump's feet to the fire (as decently as can be expected of a Fox host on a Fox channel) during the debates, both primary and general. He did a decent job of showing how uninformed Trump is about policy, both foreign and domestic . . . for what good it did.

Thirty six point font:
Six point font:
"Wow if true"

Hey, you forgot to mention Tucker Carlson, maybe because Tucker Carlson's show is him dismissively smirking and rolling his eyes at guests making earnest points and then insulting their position after the interview is over. That's another one in the douche canoe column.

This is pretty instructive in how conservative agitators and operatives controlling the ideology today think about people, and LGBT people specifically.

As the article alludes to, "The Garfield Monstrosity" is a fantastic clip from MBMBAM that's screamingly funny. And I'll go ahead and support the "The Adventure Zone" recommendations. I was pretty ambivalent about the idea of listening to a bunch of dudes playing D&D for hours on end, but me and the wife are hooked

I very much enjoyed watching JonTron videos until it turned out that JonTron is a closet dirtbag, so I live in significant fear of the McElroys being ruined for me through some sort of comparable revelation of awfulness. Hasn't happened yet, though.

I think the worst thing about streaming isn't the popular personalities - granted, they're pretty terrible sometimes - but instead, the belief that it has instilled in regular gamers that they could become a mega celebrity just by streaming. Even people who are funny, dedicated and talented enough to be a decent

I know this part of the thread isn't here just to dump on charities but I think if we're gonna talk Goodwill giving disabled people a chance to work and exist in society, it's also important to mention that they pay those disabled people less than minimum wage and advocates say they're pretty exploitative. Although


Other people have made good points but I would add to it that YouTube content really started getting popular before New Media was really taken seriously by the establishment so it didn't really ever gather a ton of gravitas for itself, while podcasting (despite being around for roughly the same amount of time) took

salutes "General Lee Offensive."

I've gotta say, if Cassian and Jyn had somehow been rescued (or escaped in between favorable cuts like I thought they would at first) then I probably would have come away from this movie with a net negative opinion. None of the characters have half the characterization or differentiation that the leads in the OT or

So I haven't actually watched this season, but I've been reading these reviews studiously, and . . . is it worth watching? Because it sounds really dumb without context.

Don't forget Cowboy Troy!


Oh no!

Now I'm just thinking of a version of Veep with Kanye instead of Julia Louis-Dreyfus and I love it.

It looked a little bit like a deadlift, but with famous females instead of weights.
