The Mighty Fish

It's Jay-Z versus Kanye in 2020, then?

She'll always be remembered for leering out of her picture in the background of every shot of the X-Files set in Skinner's office.

I'm a sucker for a good essay contest. But Jennifer Jason Leigh should definitely submit an entry.

I fantasize about it myself, but it's definitely untenable to write people off like that, yeah. Which is incredibly aggravating after the last month brought us a wave of thinkpieces talking about how coastal liberals need to try to "understand" Trump voters and sympathize with their problems. And I can say as someone

In my experience, it's basically ignorance that leads people to Trump. I mean, what makes people think he's the more honest candidate when you can literally stack his quotes against Clinton's and do a factual comparison? The man tells gross, eminently-provable lies every damn day, at every rally, but he's still seen

We give them money that they use to beef up their missile defense systems, which they need because they insist on antagonizing the Palestinians through settlement practices that we insist they not continue. But because no one in our State Department has ever successfully raised a small child, apparently, we keep

Upvote for The Hitcher reference; who's driving the truck?

While I share your hopefulness I think it's important to point out that part of the reason the RNC was so peaceable was the ghoulish police-state actions of the FBI and local police (surveillance and activist intimidation) along with the restriction of firearms. (edit: as mentioned below by everyone's favorite

If we had honest conversations about spending and taxation we might even be able to come to some sort of compromise. But if the Republicans are going to insist on calling everyone who doesn't agree with them godless heathens who don't deserve the time of day, that's not going to happen any time soon.

Especially considering the ideological flip Nixon engineered, turning the South Republican. It really isn't the same party as Roosevelt and Lincoln at all. It'd be like if I said I was from the same country as the Cherokee and the Chippewa. More honorable perhaps, but no longer accurate.

That's true; haven't you spent some time on YouTube?

Just remember to scrub our names off the bombs this time so we don't get caught blowing up a crowd of innocent civilians like we did in Yemen a few weeks ago, please and thank you.

"Oh hai, Gary."

I agree on the Cosby point. All those other guys also did horrible things, but at least they weren't at any point being put forward as the face of comforting family values. It feels like a much more personal sense of betrayal when it comes to Cosby.

His bit on SNL of Denzel Washington researching a role at a rental car company was excellent, at least. I haven't seen any of his stand-up; would you then say it's not accurate (as I've heard a few times) that SNL didn't give him a chance, or he really is just that bad?

One of the classic rock stations in my area (and maybe more, idk) had a contest for getting tickets to something, I <3 Radio festival maybe, but the gist of the promotion was "you need to get this ticket to get away from your stupid girlfriend" and one of the things was "your girlfriend who listens to Kanye West".

Mm-hm. A few years ago, everyone was bemoaning the Kristen Wiig/Will Forte/Jason Sudekis/etc SNL for not being as funny as Tina Fey/Amy Poehler SNL. And eventually, people are going to be passing around clips of this season and talking about how much better it was these days.

I like Dana Carvey and I like his humor as shown on Fallon and Conan, which seems — from the review — to be about the same as this special. But I just can't with all these comedians lately who want to take easy, lazy shots at PC culture as an excuse to trot out offensive and, almost as importantly, not funny

I agree. There are SO many people out there who don't grasp any subtleties of performers. I could definitely see a ton of conservative-leaning people out there who just see an angry white guy ranting about what's wrong with the world and loving it. Just like another angry white guy who is ranting about what's wrong

To be fair, it's a list that goes in descending order of importance. There's just a larger gap between the first two and the last two.