The Mighty Fish

An era that ended with the chart-topping release of "Smooth."

SO nice to see Alex Jones finally stop dancing around the bush with "secret societies that control the world" and finally just say "THE JEEEEEWS!" so I don't even have to pretend to take him seriously around people that very much do.

That's why I would have preferred having someone like Paul Ryan or Scott Walker take the Republican nomination. I don't agree with their politics and I find their rationales for their anti-lower class actions revolting, but at least there's some sort of logic behind their actions. We could've had debates centered on

Benghazi has been in the news for even longer than a year, even though A) Hillary has been found to not be responsible for wrongdoing something like nine times and B) Somehow failing to sense and prevent danger to four specific people in the massive, bloody disaster that has been our Middle East policy for the last

The Weather section of the Jerusalem Post: "Today, 80% chance of mortar fire."

The FBI also concluded that Hillary hasn't committed any crimes, so . . . And anyway, everything that @avclub-9b7b0109c992b2904b1cb4640cebc223:disqus said is true, regardless of the FBI.

It's been pretty weird to see most of the media (rightfully) chiding people for the (very much existent) rape culture in America, then basically ignore the rape case against Trump as unbelievable. IIRC that goes to trial in December — or at least there's preliminary motions then — and Trump University goes to trial

I think it's because the popular / media narrative requires dichotomy between the two candidates. So Clinton is "the liar", "the criminal", "the insider" and Trump is "the clown", "the racist", "the bully". So people pick which of the two they dislike less, despite the fact that Trump easily fits into all six of those

There's definitely a dip but I agree, it's salvaged closer to the end. Unlike DD season two, which crapped the bed and didn't bother to clean up before it left out the window.

Surely it depends on which part of Texas you're talking about.

Most voiceover artists may be getting angry now, but David Hayter has been furious for YEARS now.

Comparing on the merits is "fine" but it's not exactly accurate to come to a conclusion of complete parity.

"Evocateur" is an excellent documentary if you're interested in him.

He recognizes that pain is all he has to remind him of his son and he seems to believe that that is better than nothing, while the hosts have absolutely nothing.

7-8 seasons or, in HBO's perfect world, 14-16 half seasons

He's grandfatherly to a very specific point, which I think makes him more interesting. It's neat to not do the obvious storyline of "creator starts going down the rabbit hole of his own creations" again, but instead have the creator be the one capable of having emotional distance and the subordinates going down the

Lecter v. Lecktor

"Do guest sign up to be good guys or bad guys?"

I don't know if they buy week packages though. The one guest in this episode mentions a price tag of 40k a day. That is of course just kind of tangential to what you're saying but still.

That makes sense, but in the event that things are taking place away from hosts, couldn't that also be part of the security team's duties? Maybe the security team is just there to round up Hosts but that would seem like a logical extension of their work